Rube Goldberg's Razor

+1 for “bench slapped” #lawyered

When your actual policy position is “government doesn’t work” then you can become a self fulfilling prophet by eliminating those aspects of government that do work. Brilliant!

Gotta kill that part of the brain responsible for creating mental images.

Is this the viewing gallery? Did anyone bring nachos? I could dig some nachos right now.

Just because there are occasional smart people in flyover country doesn’t mean the vast majority of people I encounter on a daily basis aren’t idiots.

A National Merit Scholar in Oklahoma.

Completely random, but if you like Absalom! Absalom!, check out the non fiction Flowers of the Killer Moon about the Osage murders. The style is completely different, but one of the real life villains in this story is frequently compared to Sutpen and I think it’s a good and interesting comparison.

So let me get this straight. Because I think you just proved my point.

Don’t tempt me on a Friday afternoon.

Yeah they need to package this better. Stop tying it to a single number and focus more on the “living wage” part and allow for it to be indexed against cost of living, so while it may be $15 in Massachusetts, it could be $10 or $11 in Mississippi.

I bet that of the 69% of Millennials that are in this survery, 0% had any idea that about 40% of current Medicare recipients buy supplemental coverage via Medicare Advantage to get better treatment than “Medicare for All” provides.

Does the why matter? I took your metaphor to imply that millennials wanted anything for free but were unwilling to pay for it. I’m simply offering that that’s not true. I’m contesting that point - this idea that millennials are lazy nothings who can’t or won’t pay a dime. I don’t have a detailed blueprint of how

I usually can’t stand your comments, but you get a fucking star for “Dandyism knows only one orientation, fabulous.” Take it.

35 year old millennial. I’ll pay more in taxes for Medicare for all.

“I hate the children being taken away, that’s the Democrats’ law,” he said. (It is not a law, but rather his administration’s own policy.) “I want the laws to be beautiful and humane.” He also went on to tell the reporters: “Tell your friends, the Democrats, to call me.”

9/11 is Giuliani’s perfect 5/7 like the Dark Knight, or Fight Club.

They’re going to spin it by completely ignoring it and spending all of their time talking about the Inspector General’s FBI report that came out today.

That’s a solid comparison in terms of media reaction.

Could be a smart little publicity stunt even if there’s nothing there. Suddenly all of the NBA bloggers pick up on it and start talking about how it would happen, what other free agents might be able to go there, other trades to put talent around LeBron. Put an enigmatic tweet out there and let the basketball world

I say this knowing that most of this report was about how badly the FBI screwed up the E-mail investigation, and only a little bit about how 5 individual agents expressed alleged anti-Trump bias in one manner or another, but I think we all know that Trump and the Conservative internet army are going to focus on that

I forgot this was Deadspin.