Rube Goldberg's Razor

North Korea is on the way to Iran. Since these guys assume this is going to be super easy, I imagine the plan is to send everyone to North Korea, plan on wrapping that up in a week or two, then heading over to Iran. I’m sure they have it all figured out.

I get the idea, but personally I like to give the new season at least an episode or two before deciding if I want to watch it. If there have been major cast or creative overhauls between season, then maybe not, but I generally like to give a new season at least an hour of my time if I liked the previous one.

Yeah, Season 4 was John Lithgow as the Trinity Killer. That season was amazing. The decline wasn’t until after that.

Came to the comments for this. Thank you.

You could be completely right, but what I was considering is that Paul Feig’s company doesn’t make a movie entirely by itself. Let’s say you hire Paul Feig to come in and write and produce your movie. You would contract with his production company. I wonder if by including the “inclusion rider” in the contracts

If Walmart was like kinja, there’d be some loudmouth standing there shouting about spoilers.

I get what you’re saying, and we should keep holding people up to higher standards, but it seems like it would be more fruitful to attack all of the other men in Hollywood who won’t even go this far.

Give the NBA Championship trophy to the winner of the Western Conference for the next couple of years?

Again, he wasn’t a good guy with a gun. He was a school resource officer, which means he was a sworn law enforcement officer employed by the school. Liberals aren’t arguing that cops shouldn’t have guns (I’m sure there are a few exceptions, but they are far from the majority. I’ve never made that argument or seen it

It’s like you took all of the frustrated rage tearing through my body and put it to words.

What has to be broken inside of someone for them to not think that other human beings are deserving of basic rights and equality?

Ah yes, Trade Chat, always there to remind us that humans are a garbage species.

Agreed. I don’t feel like the movie has aged well, but I read the book in high school around 2000 and it’s always been my go to example of a movie I preferred to the book.

The style reminded me of a poorly written Ender’s Game (which I’m not a huge fan of to begin with). But I though there were a lot of similarities between the characters. Although, if I want to start counting up stories about socially awkward boys or young men that save the day because of some underappreciated skill or

I’m always afraid of getting called out for spoilers so I’ve never been able to have this conversation yet, but since you went there with the Monty Python thing, the challenges in RPO drove me up the wall. I read it in January after seeing the previews and thinking the movie looked like it could be entertaining. But

I think being a career politician gives people a thicker skin. Most of the men and women who have been doing this for decades can take abuse to their faces and just keep smiling and muttering platitudes.

John Oliver is the pasty white British Oprah figure that we disillusioned millennials desperately need to believe in.

No no no. You’ve got it all wrong. It’s the regulations put in place by liberals that did all of those things....

That was a police controlled robot, not a vigilante hero.

Where’s a good guy with a bomb when you need one?