Rube Goldberg's Razor


I have no definite information one way or the other on this, but as a lawyer, I would not be surprised. There’s a rule against things being “in perpetuity” so these things generally have an eventual end date, but a restrictive licensing or publishing agreement could easily cover releases and remasters years later.

Awesome. Definitely getting this as I missed out on it the first time around. Although dammit, I clicked on the review and was reminded that this takes place in Ivalice, which means I’ll probably spend hours playing Final Fantasy Tactics tonight.

Someone should sue him for lying under these mystical new federal libel laws he keeps ranting about.

One of my proudest memories was back in grad school in the mid aughts. I had been on an original NES kick and was playing through the first Zelda game again. I had a friends with benefits thing going with a female grad student and she came over to my place one night and started going down on me while I played Zelda.

Same. I can’t decide if this comment is stupid or brilliant.

I love this. I’m going to start doing this on dates. When a girl finally gets it, she’s the one.

I tend to agree with you. I spent a lot of time on message boards and Lostpedia during the final 3 seasons of LOST, and maybe there are a lot of plot holes for people who demand concrete explanations, but if you’re willing to accept some crowd sourced theories, you can explain away a lot of the holes.

As I said in

Well they try to explain that in later seasons. The entity/person known as Jacob wanted many of them on the island, and toward the end of the series, we see that he had visited them at earlier points in their lives. So yes, it’s incredibly silly if it’s all supposed to be random. if you buy into the idea that there

I liked the ending on the island. It was messy, but it brought closure. Yes there were plot holes, but I don’t demand perfection from my tv if I like the characters enough. I however, found the flash sideways portion of the last season to be a waste of time.

I rewatched them a couple weeks ago and those fades really got to me too.

Ben Solo/Kylo Ren is Anakin Skywalker’s grandson. The villain of the new films is still a Skywalker. I have no idea how you can say they’re abandoing the Skywalker “storyline altogether” with a straight face.

Are there still people out there who argue that Season 2 of TD was good? I remember reading the recaps (both on the Muse and Io9) and there were tons of people in the comments who claimed the love the season. Has the benefit of time helped them to realize yet that Vince Vaughan gave the worst performance of anybody’s

Hey, Matthew Lillard had some nice screen time in Twin Peaks: The Return. It really freaks me out that the guy from Scream is a middle aged man now, but still.

“You’ve got to come with my family to Aspen. Last year, I saw Skeet Ulrich”
-Hunter Scangarelo - Sopranos, “Pilot.”

I used to drink heavily when I played so most of my memories are foggy as hell, but on one of the Halos, I think it was 3 or Reach, we were playing a capture the flag game where it was tied and the other team was 100% camping in their flag room and we couldn’t break through. We surrounded the area they were in with me

As someone who grew up deeply involved in an Evangelical church before I learned to think critically in college, I think you’re spot on here. Conservatives make this issue translate to their average voter better than liberals do, and they do it through connecting Supreme Court issues to the religious passions of their

I’m pleasantly surprised it’s only a third.

I made an assumption based on how close the rebel ship was to Snoke’s ship that this worked because the rebel ship passed through it as it was making the jump to hyper space. I have no real reason to back that up except for my interpretation of how the visuals looked, so I’m not looking for a heated argument over this

We were told in IV that the Death Star is extremely well defended from an assault by capital ships. In VI we see that the Death Star cannon can be used to destroy capital ships. Presumably, the Death Star would blow any large ship out of the sky before it got in close enough range to wreck it with a hyper jump.