Yeah, but isn’t ridiculously low bail par for the course for rich white men who show up to minor criminal proceedings with lawyers?
Yeah, but isn’t ridiculously low bail par for the course for rich white men who show up to minor criminal proceedings with lawyers?
It’s really awkward when you show up at Thanksgiving and everyone wants to know why you’ve unfriended the entire extended family since Trump’s election.
I mean, I don’t think I was ever sober for a college intramural game.
I think it’s just a weird word choice. I’ve got multiple years of sobriety, and yes every AA meeting starts with people introducing themselves as alcoholics, but I’ve never heard anyone in AA describe themselves currently as a “functioning alcoholic.” It’s a term I’ve heard used by alcoholics to describe their past…
Wow, Oklahoma didn’t even make the list and in the last 12 months we’ve had:
1) a member resign after being sued for sexual harassment by an assistant;
I can’t remember which Halo I played a lot of online, it was around 10 years ago. Maybe 3? I enjoyed watching players tea bag their opponents because I usually had a sniper rifle and getting a head shot on someone doing a rhythmic up and down movement in one place isn’t too hard.
Because the Bankruptcy Code gives the Bankruptcy Court power to go back and undo those transactions if they happened within a certain time period and seize control of those assets if the court determines that they were transferred to avoid payment of a debt.
If you have access to a bank account, even if it’s not in…
Good summary.
Yeah, I wouldn’t respond. I finally told the guy like that in my office that he was a fucking idiot and I got written up and disciplined for it. Now he walks around with a smug smile on his fucking face. Not worth it.
Bankruptcy counts and would probably work here. It would at least protect her house and a number of other assets from seizure.. It’s fucking miserable trying to pursue a deficiency judgment against someone. I’ve represented dozens of banks and most of them have just said fuck it, and would rather not pay me than…
I was pretty baked when I watched it, but I was partially convinced that Billy was played by a time traveling young Rob Lowe.
This is the kind of completely random comment I expect to find on an article about a South Park game.
+1 - Give me a current console port of Morrowind! Wasn’t there an article on here a week or two ago about XBone starting to support ports of XBox original games?
None of this had ever occurred to me, but you know what? I’m going to give it a try.
This movie is not gif’d or memed nearly enough as it deserves.
We all know being peed on is more of a Trump thing. :P
Someone is losing their job as President of the United States over sexual assault allegations??? Jesus Christ. TV really has jumped the shark.
Dude, get your happy go lucky pragmatic and socially responsible socialism out of here! This is ‘Merican internet.
Dawes is a mediocre pop rock band whose songs sound like they’d be a great sound track for a movie about a bunch of privileged white kids going to an elite private school and having romantic drama.