Rube Goldberg's Razor

A simple way to work around this problem (which will probably never happen anytime soon) is to have Congress pass a bill with the stated purpose of restricting aftermarket modifications that have the primary purpose of increasing the rate of fire of a weapon. You don’t have to specifically list or describe every type


It’s what is implied every time a white person opens their mouth and says something like “but Black on Black crime” or sees a protest led by people of color and immediately start referring to them as mob violence, thugs, or looters without any evidence.

The entire white narrative of critiquing black protests or

Hey my middle name is Wayne and I haven’t killed anyone!

It won’t end. I work a quarter mile from the OKC Bombing Memorial. I’m surrounded by so many gun nut conservatives that just don’t think it’s possible that a white army vet like McVeigh could have killed all of those people.

Says the guy who is harassing me with incorrect information on the number of electoral votes in each state. Are you sure you would even pass?

.....Oklahoma has 3 electoral votes

Yeah. It’s also the votes for getting the NRA stamp of approval. Every third truck in Oklahoma has an NRA sticker in the back window. In a majority Republican state like this where in all but one district the Republican Primary is more competitive than the General Election, then being the primary candidate with that

They’ll probably be thankful they have 20 years of experience in stifling gun violence research now that the Trump Administration and Scott Pruitt have decided to stifle all Climate Change research as well.

Florida man and women who also play soccer kicked out of EPCOT for creating drunken disturbance at amusement park bar.

My spiritual motto:

Take your star, but I’m finding someway to use this in conversation in the next week:

I bet there are still more people playing the first Destiny who will benefit from this than you expect. Some people either don’t have the money, aren’t willing to use credit, or are just too cheap to buy a game at full price. There are also kids whose game selection is left up to the whim of their bargain bin parents.

Obligatory, “can you imagine the outrage from the Right if Obama had said [any one of those things above]?” post.

From Oklahoma. On the other side of the spectrum, I’ve been called into the regional SVP’s office and told that it’s a problem that I’m not being social enough with my coworkers.

Did anyone else find it hypocritical that she says we shouldn’t talk about the politics of gun control in respect to all of the lives that are lost, and then after shaming her opponent, she immediately gets the last word by going to the politics of gun control from her side.

As a white cishetero male, I actually left the party that I was once a county chair and a state official for yesterday. I’m still going to vote Democrat on nearly every issue, but I’m so tired of people who hadn’t shown up until 2 years ago telling me how fucking worthless I am to the liberal cause. I re-registered as

That whole system seems rather expensive compared to doing a Purge night where they kill us themselves. The Purge also has the advantage of giving all of the non rich neo nazi scumbags the opportunity to fire their guns.

The Hunger Games seems like the Neo-Liberal compromise of dystopian violence. There’s a chance for

Fair point. I don’t listen to them on purpose, I just keep hearing that song since it’s their new release and it seems like the perfect back drop for an OKC Thunder promo video.

Now playing

As an OKC fan, I look forward to the inevitable nonstop promo videos of Westbrook destroying the rim set to this: