
I used to take part in an American Gods-themed RPG, and consequently one of my favorite games to play has become “which New God was subsumed by another”. It’s a fun little thought experiment: Was Media always Media, or did it consolidate? If, say, there was a god of the traveling carnival way back when, did it wither

Israel is just the latest fig leaf people use to cover up their hatred, it’s been going on for centuries this is nothing new. It’s just rare you find somebody so stupid to put it in writing for the whole world to see. That being said I feel sad that he’s got 8 likes at the time of writing...

It is humorous in a profoundly sad the way that he didn’t actually realize how racist he’s being. Though these kind often don’t when the Jewish people are involved.

Woke Antisemitism is the best :)

As I have written before, my daughter died when she was five in 2011, two months after being diagnosed with an inoperable and malignant brain tumor. There is no cure for her type of tumor - DIPG - and current treatments do little more than extend life for a few months.

while you should probably have one inserted when you have a few months of relatively easy access to an OB-GYN, i gotta say, my copper IUD was a godsend for so many reasons, including not having to worry at all about BC on fieldwork. no pill packs to bring along, nothing to remember. i still get my period and like

IUDs last for years, so get it way in advance. I got one in November in order to stop my 21 day periods (I wanted a hysterectomy, she agree to an IUD) - and while they have gotten lighter and shorter, I’m getting a period every other week.

Everything about this story is awful, and this bit— “While an ordinary uterus can usually be slipped out whole through the vagina, a fibroid-studded one often cannot. With the help of morcellators, though, doctors can remove the entire organ through holes the size of quarters”— actually made me feel light-headed.

I do fieldwork in the Canadian Arctic and Subarctic, where bears (black/brown/grizzly/polar, depending on where you are) are something you have to think about.

Fascinating! I’m nearly 50 and grew up in rural Alaska—you know I was taught that menstruation posed a danger for women in the wild. I will admit, as I was reading this I was incredibly skeptical even until closer to the end of the post.

Gizmodo has gadgets and gizmos a-plenty. It also has whozits and whatzits galore. You want thingamabobs? They have twenty. But who cares? No big deal. We want more.

Instagram, not Facebook, was the one that was being super-stubborn.
And you try dealing with random people (including complete strangers, close friends who should know better, other family members, etc.) who are more than eager to tell you how terrible it is that you don’t speak to a parent, how you will regret it for

would a production company not be allowed to make cosmetic changes like switching a mention of ‘blue or blue-green’ eyes to something like ‘brown or hazel?’

I am sure he will give him advice on how to hold on to his grip on power.

I own an Echo and honestly kind of regret not getting a Dot instead. The speaker in the Echo is fine, but it’s nothing to write home about.

I own an Echo and honestly kind of regret not getting a Dot instead. The speaker in the Echo is fine, but it’s

It’ll vary by the model, but a lot of Bluetooth speakers automatically shut off or unpair after a certain period of inactivity, even if they’re plugged in, which can lead to a lot of frustration if you’re using it as a full-time Dot amplifier.

It’ll vary by the model, but a lot of Bluetooth speakers automatically shut off or unpair after a certain period of

It beats cowering in a corner in the fetal position.

Cheryl Wischhover nails the trend’s “infantilizing” tendency for Racked: “Reconciling being a grown-ass lady who pays rent and buys her own condoms while also enjoying wearing holographic lip gloss that looks like unicorn tears can be tricky, but who doesn’t want to be recognized as magical, I guess?”