
If you’re an 18 year old who was kicked out of home for your sexuality, but haven’t been able to fully emancipate yourself from your well-off parents? Sorry kiddo, no meaningful financial aid for you until you turn 24.

Well, geese are assholes no matter what time of year it is.

That fanfic mess was 15+ years ago. I think Cassandra Claire is a cruddy writer, but as far as I know she gave up plagiarizing when she started getting paid to write.

For anyone who wants to read more about the human side of the disaster, definitely pick up Voices from Chernobyl by Svetlana Alexievich. The writer of the tv show based parts of the miniseries on her work (Lyudmilla Ignatenko is someone she originally interviewed).

After all the negative articles on Gizmodo about Soylent, you guys are actually shilling this garbage?

After all the negative articles on Gizmodo about Soylent, you guys are actually shilling this garbage?

My favorite theory is that it involves a kind of memory short circuit - somehow what you’re experiencing makes its way into your long-term memory storage before you’ve even consciously perceived it as having happened. And so when you do become aware of it, the instant-ago memory comes up but because you can’t really

I’m hugely anti-Uber, but this statement shows you almost certainly live in one of a handful of huge, mostly coastal, cities. The average American city has poor or even no mass transit, though most of the medium to larger ones will have some sort of basic taxi or car service available. I lived in Columbia, SC for

Hello, person who has never lived in a southern city.

Isn’t DIY slime mostly glue and borax? I would have preferred free washi tape if I was in the audience, hard to get really excited about elmer’s glue and a gentle abrasive.

I feel as if almost all the parents in this series are trying to turn the tables on how this should work and put the burden of the relationship on the children instead of themselves. It’s the children who have to deal with their psychological or physical absence, their abuse, their lack of preparedness for their

Usually I see this post too late to comment, but I am enraged by it every week. My mom’s story would sound exactly like this, that she was a good mom and every external force in the world separated us - it was my dad’s fault, it was the neighbor’s fault who reported her, it was my fault for telling my teacher I didn’t

I’m an adult now with a good life, but I was a child with a mother like the women in these stories. She was stripped of her parental rights by a Midwestern state in the early 90s. I don’t know how much you all know about the Midwest, but for my home state to decide that a woman was not fit to parent, her behavior had

From what I understand they wanted his blood so that they can test it and hopefully it will come back as dirty (drugs or alcohol etc.). Then if he wanted to bring a civil suit against the department for being injured due to thier high speed chase, which I think is against the departments policy, they can bring up his

To cover their asses over a potential unwarranted high speed chase; blame the victim, not themselves.

Unsolicited advice from someone who survived a very necessary estrangement from her own mother: beware of anyone who attempts to convince you that you should be able to look past this. I wish someone had told me 20 years ago that “blood is not thicker than safety.” Thank you and good luck.

It’s actually an interesting story. The person who created it was formerly incarcerated and hires other ex-convicts.   

It’s actually much safer for both the cats and the local wildlife if cats are kept inside, and cats can live perfectly healthy and much longer lives if they are kept inside. Not only is the risk of a cat being injured or killed very high if they are outside (I see a dead cat that’s been run over almost weekly in my

I agree completely. It’s hard. Terribly hard...but if your body can’t keep you alive due to a terminal non curable or treatable disease, then you should not be alive.  

About the merger, there’s no way this gets held up to antitrust concerns. Amazon is THE e-commerce giant. But there are other large retail/e-commerce sites that maintain both a physical and online space (Walmart). Also, Whole Foods is hardly the largest retail grocery chain.

I do understand that. But, “Did you here? Rebel Wilson is a compulsive liar!” is an adolescent rumor. I mean, literally. “She lies about everything. I bet she doesn’t even...” is classic 14 - 19 year old slander. It has to do with the developmental stage of people in that age range. They are obsessed with