
Experimental archaeology can be super useful, but the greatest benefit to archaeologists is that it gives us an excuse to pick up all sorts of ridiculous hobbies. It’s a great excuse to get really into hitting rocks with other rocks, or butchering things with a stone axe, or weaving mats out of grass, or burning large

But ‘give grandma her medicine’ is a one time event, and hot car deaths are a failure of routine. I’m capable of forgetting to take my own essential medicine if I don’t have a visual reminder - not because I don’t care, but because that one time in a hundred, after a moment of inattention, I would honestly remember

Yeah. I couldn’t go to college for years because I had no support from my parents. They had no money, but without access to their tax information I couldn’t show that. And I couldn’t navigate the process to be considered an independent student because it was deliberately made harder after rich assholes abused the

Counterpoint: Mockingbirds are jerks and sometimes your building was there BEFORE they decided the space between driveway and front door was reserved for their birdy family.

The books she’s released in the past few years have literally been copy pasted chunks from her earlier books with occasional additions. Like, it’s framed as flashbacks or backstory but most of the time she doesn’t even change the viewpoint to the new book’s hero. Just puts in entire chapters that were in previous

I would have liked to have seen something about the two female security guards who were posted near the reactor and died of rapid radiation poisoning along with the firefighters and the engineers who went to restart the feed water.

Yeah, the thing with the baby absorbing the radiation is from Lyudmilla’s own account in Voices of Chernobyl- not true, but it’s what the doctor told her at the time. I don’t know if that’s a bad thing though - there’s a value in presenting things as they were experienced, without 30 years of hindsight.

In New Orleans, at least as of a couple years ago, I couldn’t count on a cab to get anywhere within a specific timeframe. I’d call for one and they’d show up within 45 minutes if I was lucky. If I wasn’t lucky, they’d find another fare before they got to me and take that one instead. And trying to find a ride during

Trump is a bully with millions of near-fanatical supporters who he urges to attack his personal enemies. I don’t have total sympathy for Melania - she knew, to some degree, who he was before she married him. But at this point, the cost to publicly humiliating him by leaving would be pretty high.

It’s generally considered unhelpful to use words like ‘dying’ for languages - it leads to the idea that the loss is something inevitable, and that belief is a major obstacle for people attempting to preserve and promote their native languages. ‘Endangered’ is generally a better term.

Zoo attendants don’t usually have to get up and explain to an angry crowd that not only does the zoo not have the baby panda playtime everyone came for, it doesn’t have any animals at all.

The suit isn’t over the magazine being wrong about her name, though - it’s about them printing 8 different articles about how she was an unstable compulsive liar because she said ‘yes’ when asked if Rebel was her real name.

The case is in Australia.

I work in the Alaskan subarctic (and occasionally in the Yukon.) I’ve been considering an IUD because the logistics of periods and fieldwork are complicated enough even without bears, but I’ve been put off by the thought that if it doesn’t work great I wouldn’t exactly be able to hop over to the obgyn for a fix.

I was told as a college student on my first field school that we had to tell our (male) professor when we got our periods, so the people in charge could know to take extra precautions and keep us near camp. This was considered a standard safety measure.

To be fair, I think the ‘golden age of Television’ is generally used to mean all the choices that let you avoid awful network TV.

Okay. I was thinking that playwrights that didn’t care might have to avoid having any descriptions in dialogue, which seems convoluted, but production notes makes sense.

I mean probably nah, but if he does have Underwood level plots going, the missteps might all have been to get him a position where he can ‘save’ the country without having to run against a popular democrat.

I don’t disagree that authors of a play should have a say in how that play is presented. I also think it’s worth considering that OF COURSE most 1960's playwrights will consider the main character’s whiteness a fundamental element that can’t be changed, but we’ve generally accepted as a society that the racial ideas

I went back and checked, it’s only ‘important’ because they have a few lines of argument over which parent’s eye color the kid inherited. Honest question, because I have no theater experience past a 3rd grade play - would a production company not be allowed to make cosmetic changes like switching a mention of ‘blue or