
Where did Mcgregor get 880,000$???

“the whole time I’d been playing I was anticipating whatever the big surprise was there.”

The names are correct for most homers, and the faces are correct for most hits.

Are we sure this isn’t a replay from last year, everything they say at the top sounds like it is being said in summer 2016. They imply Lynch was on the team the previous year and that the team started off slow the previous year. Both those things were true last summer, but not this summer.

It’s better than nothing

Fortunately he missed Dee’s nuts

Sherman: See, before I was only trying to get the bag in the hole some of the time-

The biggest takeaway from this article for me was learning that Oliver Perez was still in Major League baseball. Keep cashing those checks bro

What a way to mess up with our good memories. What are they going to do next? A Robocop remake? An all female Ghostbusters reboot? ... oh wait...

There were some good ones today, I think. I usually enjoy about 20% of the Sunday Comics b/c I often don’t play the games the other 80% are talking about. The best comics are those that make me chuckle w/o requiring me to know the nitty gritty of the games they’re referencing. I haven’t played a Metal Gear game in

More of an existential threat when coming from Magic.


Does anyone else accidentally read his name as Barto Corleone? “Leave the bat, take the cannoli”

Heckler: (heckles)

Seconded. As far as I’m concerned, best horror movie of all time.

Don’t tell Justin. If getting bunted on shook him up, finding out this kid is visiting Kate will really fuck with his head.