
That just makes me sick to think about, but we live in a sick world where it does happen. :(

I'm female and I shared your brother's fears when I started working around children. However, with the kindergartners I work with, lap-sitting is inevitable. As is hair-brushing and hugging and hand-holding. I was initially squeamish but the kids literally will not stop touching you. They don't see anything wrong with

I can't imagine how terrifying it must be to watch your mother have a seizure. Poor girl. She must have felt so scared and helpless.

Are you me? My body used to fuck with me in that *exact same way* you described, before I went on birth control pills a few years ago. Sometimes the crying would lead to panicked hyperventilating, and I would actually get to the point of almost passing out. I don't know what exactly changed, maybe it was hormone

Aw shucks, now I guess I don't have any more excuses not to give him a call - besides my crippling sexual anxiety. You make several good points though, namely I should discuss this with Mr Hotpants's baby girl at a time when it's good for him in kid-friendly terms. I already mentioned this to my supervisor, and she

I feel like this is slightly OT, but it deals with divorced dads, and I'm kinda desperate.

Keep writing them, I think you're on to something. No one should make you feel less of a woman, for any reason. It's disgusting how nosy our culture is. Is there anything that's off-limits to ask someone anymore?

It's more along the lines of "Really? That's worked for every *other* woman I've been with." Or "But my Ex-Girlfriend loved it!" And then there was the guy who got frustrated after 10 minutes of going down on me and told me to "just come, already!"

I think it's great that some women can have mind-blowing vaginal orgasms, but for the sake of us ladies that can't, I'll be grateful for the overemphasis of the "G-spot" to fade from obscurity.

This was posted on i09 earlier and I feel it's appropriate to describe my response to Gingrich.

I love love love these retro style haircuts. Please let short hair come back into style.

I have a shower cat and two toilet cats! One of the toilet cats gets really nosy and tries to peek in the bowl - while I'm on it. Keeping the door doesn't help, they slam their weight against it and yowl like they're being tortured.

I can't speak much for her as a person, but I want her belt. And her shirt. And her long, shiny locks.

Bless you for giving Winne a forever home, and for continuing to spread the message. She sounds like a real winner, and so does her mommy.

One of my fur babies came with a case of Ringworm. He just had a thin patch on his side that filled in gradually after we treated it. It's a fungal infection; some animals can have quite severe cases of it, but it's treatable.

What a wonderful gift, giving these animals who might be overlooked another shot at being adopted. The number of animals in shelters just breaks my heart. I'm going to go hug my two kitties now and tell them that mommy loves them more than life itself. *weeps*

Don't you just love scientific research?

That sounds fascinating, I'll definitely have to order a copy. Thank you!

Oh okay, thank you for clarifying. I sincerely hope your dad's right. One thing's for certain, we'll sleep a lot better once this whole thing is over (assuming our man comes out on top).

Gee and here I thought that's what the 2008 election was about. Seems like every four years they get crazier and craaaazier.