
That’s a good perspective and one that’s often overlooked. It works in the macro sense as well


I’m ex-Catholic from a conservative, rural area, and I see the point of the person you’re having a discussion with - the practice of American Catholics is often very progressive. However, in more conservative circles like where I’m from, people will often act very much in line with Church teaching. I know several

Ugh. The jez blurb didn’t have a lot of detail so I had assumed it was accidental but it’s sounding like that’s not the case. In which case, I am fully with you.

Ya know, as somebody who tried to look cute last weekend for an anniversary date and just felt really self conscious, I respect it. Wear what makes you feel good idgaf

Holy fuck.

I’m with you. I think I do still believe in God, but I think he’s more hands off. Like, there’s the eternal plan, and so some people’s lives will be impacted in extraordinary ways if it affects the big picture, but we’re otherwise left to our own devices and the forces of nature.

I also don’t understand why if you believe that an all powerful being made you and a perfect world for you to live in, that you wouldn’t fucking take care of that incredible gift

I’m so happy that you were able to have your amazing kid ♡♡♡

That blows. I’m sorry. The universe is grossly unjust.

I can’t imagine being someone who suffers with infertility, miscarriage, or lost a child despite doing encouraging possible, and reading this.

thats fucking atrocious and surely malpractice, right? To not inform you about a bleeding fucking cyst?

yup. Have done that, combined with tylenol, tried different nsaids to see if they work better, taken various supplements/vitamins. I just straight up need pain relief, because I can’t take three days a month off work.

 Yes. Exactly. All of this.

exactly. It’s also an ulcer waiting to happen :/ and no, I can’t lay down with a heat pack, take a walk, etc, I’ve got a job to do.

I already take 800 mg of ibuprofen about every six hours for three days per month...

I went for the first time at 27, largely bc of shame/discomfort from my upbringing :/

Yeah, the gynocologists are focused mostly on major medical issues (which are super important!); everything else is pretty much filed under “tough shit, girl”.

Also, don’t live with your siblings after moving out of your parent’s house. My brother and I’s relationship never recovered

“Agatha Christie, but SEXY”