Snape is the Cheshire Cat!

I'm sure you felt dumb for not knowing what you bought, but it's a pretty good idea. you DO need to relax. hot tub time could end up being nice. maybe a massage or something like that would be good too, anything to get you through this! seriously, do what you have to do.

All you do is melt the ingredients, give them a good stir, and pour into containers. Making it is easy, the question is finding ingredients! i happen to live near a fancy organic co-op grocery store that sells beeswax. other people have to buy beeswax online. To be super precise you need a scale but it's definitely

how ya doin lady?

well I guess you stumped me, internet stranger! :) stupid inexplicable reactions.

yeah I'm starting to think I hallucinated that. I really really really thought I saw it for over two hundred dollars. am i insane?

ok now i'm thinking my mind is playing tricks on me. it's $35. huh? seriously i COULD HAVE SWORN it was $230. what did I do, skip a zero?

sounds like people either react wonderfully or terribly to OCM, haha. I guess you're feeling cautious! I recently started using yucca root. it's a very crunchy hippie thing to do, but it's the perfect pH for my skin. I was surprised to learn that human sebum is acidic, I did not expect that.

yeah, keeping the castor percentage small is important, the other thing I've recently learned is to get an oil high in linoleic acid and low in oleic acid.… Maybe you're just not meant to do OCM?

yes! they have too much oleic acid and not enough linoleic acid. some people CANNOT put coconut oil on their faces.

castor oil? nah... that doesn't sound right. wouldn't it have to be menthol or something like that? Some conventional lip products also contain salicylic acid, i think it's meant to exfoliate dead skin and is a much smaller concentration than the two percent you see in acne products.

I want to hear more about this. bandages for acne? how does it even work?

If you really do want to avoid sulfates, you can use a shampoo bar. Assuming it's made by a good company it will be a piece of cold process soap that is formulated for hair/scalp. no sulfates, just hair soap. I think they're less effective in hard water though... hm.

I suppose this is unsolicited advice, but have you considered making your own chapstick? it's reeeally easy. plus you get to make the equivalent of a $3 Burt's Bees for around fifty cents worth of ingredients.

Dr. Pepper is the ULTIMATE hint of sheer color. I was a very faithful devotee (until I stopped using lip products with petroleum in them, I suppose.) once while lurking on Jez threads about beauty products I saw someone call it the poor woman's Clinque Black Honey. and why not? if something so cheap can look so good,

So I read about this book on Jez too, and knew I had to read it. I'm not quite as cool as you and instead of pre ordering it, all I did was request it at the library. So now I'm reading it and enjoying it and realizing my mom would like to actually own a copy. and I go on amazon and I see two hundred and thirty