
Judge to Plaintiff: git gud

That was one interesting detail of Stargate SG1. In the later seasons, the USAF built and flew the ships. This was before the Space Force, and the USAF was behind the gate program the whole time.

This is the first ruling i’ve ever seen where a judge put in writing that he played an hour and a half of a video game as “research” to grant a motion.

coolmango, Chief Produce Officer

lmao did u get to keep the executive title?

I’ve been named in lawsuits at my job from suits where the plantiff just added employees at random to the case to see if they could get my company to quickly settle. They even spelled my name wrong and named me as a executive lol. People throw frivolous lawsuits around all the time just to fish for quick settlements.

Also, if he were to tan, there would be an article about how problematic it is for white people to tan.

Shanahan is, of course, free to do whatever she wants and you’re right, she didn’t engage in anything particularly immoral (“on a break” logic not withstanding).

What if it’s Hitler?

Yes, you are the only one.  The denial here is because screwing the wife of a powerful tech mogul and supposed friend makes him an irredeemable piece of crap.  That contrasts with his other alleged transgressions which paint him as a redeemable piece of crap.

Ah, body shaming I see. But I guess that’s ok if it’s a male.

Do better Jezebel! 

wait so we say body positivity, but also body shame elon musk? seems the entire article is saying “ew, he has a weird torso”. a bit of a double standard no, jezebel?

Daily blood infusions from teenagers and all the designer drugs money can buy 

Yes -- unless we stop them, they will literally own our bodies.

I’m thinking it involves Stephanie.

No. I think Brock left.

As the majority shareholder, if he whispers something in someone’s ear ... what exactly are they going to say to him? No? I doubt it ...

Seriously, fuck this guy.

McMahon was also a well-known fitness freak, to the point he had photo sessions looking rather jacked for an older guy maybe ten or fifteen years ago.

The end of an era. All these arrogant rich narcissistic assholes end up the same and Trump eventually will too. It’s their destiny.