
Funny how blacks don’t want the conversation to turn to East St. Louis, Compton, South Central, Watts, and Baltimore. Yeah you don’t want to talk about how black gangs are responsible for more murders then any one group lol. Yeah definitely don’t want to have that discussion huh

Liberals should be rounded up and put in camps

Chicago, St Louis, Detroit etc aren’t the most dangerous cities in the United States because of White people murdering each other. It’s mostly because of violent black gangs killing black and Hispanic peoples. Get a clue Michael.

I didn’t know Denmark was in the Caribbean or Africa?

Wtf is wrong with black people that they idolize gang bangers. You know why your in prison more then everyone else. Because you idolize people who are the worst. Why do you think Africa has been a shit hole for thousands of years because your violent people who do nothing but bitch about the problems you bring on

Funny how blacks don’t want to prosecute their own when their own committs crimes and try to falsely say white people were involved. Showing that blacks are way more racist then whites

Love that guy. Liberals have gone too long thinking they can get away with murderering American culture

Also the only reason half those people won awards is because articles like this have scared the academy so bad that if they don’t give blacks an award they look racist. No one legitimately won an award last night that deserved it. They were handed it on a silver platter by a bunch of cowards who are scared of articles

You’re an absolute moron. Black Panther was the worst movie of the year and you’re transparent in how bad you want white people out of the academy. Your views are extremist liberal and not at all how the majority of the country thinks. But let me guess you live in New York or Los Angeles so you think that’s what

All you fucking people do is bitch. 

Let me guess it’s a white straight males fault 

If this was just about white supremacy no one would be upset with anything you or her are saying but it’s not. It’s about hating white people as much as you perceive they hate you. You want to live in a United States that’s mostly black and treats whites the way blacks have been treated. I dare you to tell me any

You people make up so much it’s amazing 

Ahh yes the liberal defense of Karl Marx is always an interesting thing to read for the day. For people complaining about Russia you all sure want to share the wealth and take take take from the wealthy like the old Soviet Union. You can’t win on real issues so you have to promise handouts and end of racism to win.

Ahhh folks isn’t the hypocrisy of the left just so grand to watch. So tolerant. How about you go argue how pocs have been oppressed instead of being a bunch of violent gang banging losers who have white leftists as their biggest ally lol. Race traitors don’t even know their heritage

You liberals are the fucking worst can’t wait for a civil war 

Not to try that shit here? What are you gonna do about it traitor. 

Fuck You. You’re a liberal piece of trash. People where maga hats because they can and it’s a free country your lucky we don’t fuck you liberals up on sight 

I hope someone does attack her. She’s a horrible human being and so are you and all you liberal progressive losers

Whoever started these websites and let idiots like you write articles should be taken out with the trash