
Idk maybe I am in the minority of white trump voters who think everyone is awesome. More blacks more Hispanics more Muslims it’s america. Just cause the founding fathers were white doesn’t mean people can’t be from different backgrounds. I think that’s what gives us strength look at the Roman Empire. They only fell

lmao racism is strong in the black community

Geee what a shocker you condon law breaking as long as it’s someone who doesn’t speak English and isn’t white bwahahahha so transparent

Yeah and I highly doubt any of them care. They are worth more then anyone commenting on this. Lmao the fact that you’re on here trying to make a point about it is funny af

Nah all we need to do is paint you liberal fucks as traitors to the traditions of this country. Then we win. Worked for us during the election.

And you wonder why people call you thugs and why your disproportionately in prison. Trust me it isn’t because of racism. It’s because you all think you’re above the law because your black

No physical violence? Someone assualted her by throwing a beverage on her how is that not physical violence oh that’s right because you all think it’s ok because of some imagine insult

Blacks and whites are as different as ice and bread. Segregation is probably what we need since we can’t get along

Can someone explain to me how She’s a racist I have never watched her

Because a lot of them had family that fought in the war. You obviously don’t get it and probably should just shut up when speaking on the subject. I don’t think a lot of you have an understanding of why people fought in the civil war. If you think a poor white man on both sides fought to free black slaves you’re an

Maybe it’s because I am white but nothing I see to worry about except for the guy who wants an all white Louisiana. White people just want respect for their heritage which we never get. Our whole heritage gets insulted and spit on by people of color everyday and to deny that is disengenuine.

Well I mean whole city councils of black supremacist decided to get rid of the statue so how is it any different. Oh that’s right because black power is better then white power when it is all racist

You do realize there were blacks who owned slaves right? One of the largest slave owners in South Carolina was a black man. Ever heard of Anthony Johnson or William Ellison. I bet you don’t even know who they are because you have no concept of factual history.

History is awesome. It’s your own fault you focus on the negative aspects of it when there is more positive then negative but I just guess that’s the type of person you are

I’ll give you a gun and you can shoot me for being white since that’s obviously what you want to do.

To say that the civil war was about slavery for poor white people shows that you have no understanding of the events leading to the civil war. If you think white Americans in the 19th century fought a war against each other for black freedom you are an idiot and shouldn’t probably be allowed to talk about the subject.

Let me guess you voted for Obama! Piece of shit progressive

You’re a moron the first slavers in America were African Americans. In fact the biggest tobacco slaver in North Carolina was a black man so fuck off with your narrative angry black girl

Dude as a Trump voter and a White man I think this is great. I love art in all its expression. I’ll watch it too. Thanks for the heads up Mr. Harriot.

Dude trust me white people dont even like white people who try to act black. It’s not something to be proud of. Most people who act that way haven’t found themselves it’s like being gay or trans.