Snake Charmer

I thought you Brits had the market cornered on dry humor? Keep working on that star.

Meh. We have a ship here that is older, is almost completely original, and still goes out to sea. Don't think she's quite as fast though.

Ha! Is it bad that I still have most of that equipment in the list? I even have a laser disk player. I've since replaced those disks I have but I love going for the shock value when someone comes over to watch a movie.


Yukkk! I'll stick with comic sans thank you.

One your side note, I'm gonna assume some of the people in the square had already seen the performance and were just sticking around to see the reaction of the next person caught in the snare.


Anyone have $1200 I can borrow? Err... keep?

Been there. Done that.

How about Kevin Bacon?

I still think she's ugly.

Sorry guys. With the run of bad luck I had today I doubt I'll win the lottery.

I'll buy you one too!

That's totally the first thing I'm buying when I win the Mega Millions lottery on Friday.

Place one of these outside your doorway during the aocolypse it will cause any zombies to think twice before attacking your household.

It won't be long. Must be patient.

Yay for technology!

Probably wasn't room in that sub for a toilet, and he soitenly couldn't step out to take a leak.

He should have pulled an Orson Wells and made a (fake) video of an underwater civilization down there. THAT would have been a good April Fools prank on the world. Though nobody here would have fallen for it, right?

Heck! I'm gonna buy one of these and start taking it to the local pub.