Snake Charmer

Bioluminescent pens and spray paint? This is going to put a whole new spin on graffiti.

Gonna start my own church and build it in the shape of the Millennium Falcon.

I knew it! I just knew those "people" in front of me in the Teacups line were aliens. No one believed me. And now it appears they were so impressed with Disneyland they are doing Mickey graffiti on their way home. Now if I can just convince everyone that most of the people at Walmart are aliens too.

"Look I think aliens exist, I just don’t think they came millions of light years just to see earth. It would be like driving 1000 miles to go to an Arby’s"

I absolutely believe in goats. There's one at the house across from my friend. How they can eat all that crap only science can explain so that's how I voted.

Just give me that chance! I'll gladly forfeit a long, relatively luxurious life here on Earth to forge a new world elsewhere in the solar system. That's called the pioneering spirit.

You people do realize that English is a living, evolving language, right? That's why Shakespeare invented the Urban Dictionary.

As someone who grew up watching the original series I was quite content with the movie, though a bit disappointed it wasn't the comedy that was advertised in the trailer. Unfortunately for most younger people, this movie was made for people like me... loved the series but wanted something different. There were a lot

Yup, That one's blocked too. The promise of worldwide information exchange is coming to an end. The internet borders are going up.

Touché! Getting back at Giz for The Eli Manning video? This video is blocked in the US.

Or eating food that's bad for you. Mmmm... hotdog.

Someone told me the other day if you're not doing anything wrong you don't have anything to worry about. What if something I'm doing now becomes wrong at a later date? Like voting for the wrong guy?

Will there be radioactive zombies?

In space no one can hear you scream... WHERE'S MY LAWYER!

Great comment on Imgur...

I remembered them saying when I took a tour that pretty much the only thing that's not original are the masts. In fact, they have one of the original masts laying on the pier in front of the ship.

The picture I posted is the Star of India, located in San Diego. The USS Constellation can be found in Baltimore.

Yeah, it's amazing that the USS Constitution, and the HMS Victory are still commissioned. I guess there's hope that the Constitution will go out under her own power for the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812.