Snake Charmer

This is what happens when scientists try to mate a squirrel with Barney the Dinosaur.

Can someone figure out a way to use lasers to cook my steak? I don't care how long it takes, it would just be fun cooking it.

That wasn't the only side by side comparison made on Superbowl Sunday.

I was going to mention this. Knowing Homo-Sapiens as we do, they probably took Neanderthals as slaves and did hanky-panky with the females.

If they try stretching the constitution to include non-humans I fear it may finally snap. Maybe it's time for a new one? Something that's relevant to the times we live in and the future we can foresee.

they'll all go off and try to isolate quarks. That'll take some time.

I thought PETA stood for 'People Eating Tasty Animals'. Huh! You learn something new every day. I'm releasing my dog and cat to the wild this very moment in fear of being sued.

So what comes after the Higgs boson? And how long will it take to find that? It seems there's always something smaller in the world of physics.

Sooo... you've never tried a turbaconducken?

At least you guys have White Castle. Well.. closest one I remember to Lake Eeerie was in Columbus, but that was close enough.

Now playing

I was sorely tempted to make some kind of 'six degrees of eating bacon' joke here but instead, I was compelled to post my favorite JitB commercial. It was a toss up between this one and the 'Jack's Back' one.

Nah. I keep all my porn on betamax.

I do too... actually, in a text file disguised as a dll, just in case. But I seem to have forgotten to write that one down.

I actually ran into this situation recently. I had a folder encrypted, didn't access it for a while, and totally forgot the password. None of my usual passwords work. And apparently I never wrote it down. I just hope, since it's been a while since I went into the folder, it's something I don't need.

Things that have disappeared off the face of the Earth, for a thousand Alex.

Instead of wrapping the roller in tape, which can be a pain to get back off, just stretch the tape between your hand and knee or foot and roll the roller along the sticky side of the tape. Move to a new section if the tape gets clogged with loose fibers. Obviously works better with a wider tape. And, like pezdaddy

Anyone know if either MythTV or XBMC supports streaming to iDevices? Planning on replacing all my gadgets with a home-rolled HTPC.

I used to take people to the top of the Laurel Street parking deck at the approach to Lindbergh Field. You can almost spit and hit the jets as they fly overhead. Made a few people almost crap their pants because they didn't know what was coming. The planes drop down over the hill. I quit doing that after the time my