Snake Charmer

I actually got a lot of comments on it. Is no longer like this since the house was gutted after a flood. If I do it again I may see about having an image printed directly to the shade.

While working construction, I've used everything from metal studs to rolled up rosin paper. There's always something laying around that will work.

Or you can do like I did... take a picture of one of your favorite scenes, in my case the lake and old log cabin in my home town, embiggen the picture to fit on your cheap roller shade, chop the image up to fit on standard sheets of paper, print it, then use spray adhesive to puzzle the image back together on the

For anyone who had trouble getting the simulation to work, this video explains what is happening. Glad to be of help.

How long have picture frames and windows been around?

Aliens are terraforming, err... nibiruforming the planet in preparation for their arrival in December?

Now playing

Sorry Mr Burns. Maybe you can find some on eBay? If not, well... maybe the video will make you feel better?


Coincidence? I think not!

I would think they'd want to force people to use the same OS so they wouldn't have to maintain multiple versions. Seems like pretty good business sense to me.

New new years resolution... never bungee jump from anything higher than the curb.

Now, how are you going to fit an external HDD in a swiss army knife? Silly.

Only one terabyte?!? Can you imaging how much space we'll need for the build files when we go camping in the future? Heck, the tent and beer cooler templates will probably use up a blazillion gigabytes alone. Just don't forget to bring along your portable replicator.

No, because there aren't 45,000 G+ users

If they were using G+ this wouldn't happen.

That would be a hoot if they did something like that. At least a nod to Season of the Witch.