Snake Charmer

And the greatest benefit of such technology? When the zombie apocalypse occurs, WE won't have to run around changing all the Cal-Trans signs' messages.

Approves the lead image.

This shows that the people can still make a difference. Now we just need to do the same to our government.

Or we could just vote all sitting congressmen out. Shame that we would have to punish the good congressmen along with the bad but it really is time to clean house.

Sun reflecting off the artificial satellites.

I do have an file browser and I couldn't find the iMame folder either.

I installed it earlier, before Apple kicked it out of the app store. Just tried it and it won't run. I didn't sync between the time I installed it and tried running it. Just didn't work. This is on iOS 4.3.3.

Though we're now finding out it's possible planets may have moved to their current locations after forming? At least in other solar systems.

My guess it's likely one of the larger pieces of a full size planet that once occupied the location of the asteroid belt.

Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings

I was so disappointed that 'Now and Again' not only was cancelled after the first season but that it ended with a cliff-hanger. I wanted to see what happened when Micheal's full potential was released, and Lisa's reaction when she found out it was her husband's brain inside an artificial body. I always thought of the

Hopefully not Kim Jong Zombie

What would Freud have to say about your dislike of 3D boobies?

As you can see in the image, they are not quite done uncovering it yet. I think the answer is obvious.

That image is so clear you can see a bumper sticker on it that says 'My other ship is a Tie Fighter'.

Shoot! I was just about to build a new computer. Guess I'll have to wait a couple weeks.

There will be porta-johns and X-Box?

Occupy Kepler-22b anyone?