Snake Charmer

I approve this post.

I have a .cbr scan of Action Comics #1. Anyone want to give me $1,000,000 for it? That's quite the deal. Over ½ off!

I'm down with this. The human race could use a culling, though I was hoping it would be through zombie apocalypse.

I'm still waiting for Minority Report style tracking. Until they implement that they can GTFOH.

Maybe it's because the equations are off is the reason we're still having problems understanding things like gravity, dark matter... Rosie O'Donnell?

I'd move to Jericho but with my luck the nuclear war would be cancelled after 29 bombs.

I'd move to Jericho but with my luck the nuclear war would be cancelled after 29 bombs.

Approves of this theory.

Shoot! And he alignment hasn't even occurred yet. If you haven't read about this, Comet Elenin is scheduled to align with the Earth and sun at the end of September. This will put a lot of stress on the Earth, in much the same way that the moon pulls the oceans around. Some people think this will cause a large

Watching the shows about 9/11 this morning on History Channel, one thought kept returning to my mind... if I lived or worked in a high-rise building, I would definitely keep a parachute handy. When the earthquake or alien attack or whatever occurred, I would run up to the roof and jump.

I blame it on the solar flares.

That's so easy to find out if you have a Windows computer.

If you have water available, you can make beer. I'm already planning on brewing a new beer made from Mars water. Now I just have to think of a name. Oh... and then there's that pesky problem of actually building a brewery on Mars.

Edit: Too soon?

Minuet? Isn't that a dance? You gonna dance with the zombies? You're weird. I'd be running away from them. jk ;-)

Awesome idea! I am seriously sending this article to organizers of the San Diego zombie walk.

Just noticed, in the picture of Jessica Alba, they took care of that little belly paunch problem too. Of course I clicked through! It's Jessica... naked... sorta.

Great, great, great... I'm currently sitting in a hotel, and have been for the last three months, because city workers busted the water and sewage pipes behind my house and flooded the house with sewage. In a couple weeks, just about the time I'll be moving back in, they're gonna be digging under the road out front.

For those people who are having problems with some of the features...