Snake Charmer

Interesting. I was in a group of 10 people Saturday and I mentioned the price increase. Out of all of us I was the only one who knew about it. 6 out of 10 of us have never used the streaming (no, they are not Giz readers). Only 1 of us preferred streaming over DVD or blu-ray. If this is indicative of the general

Man. I'm glad I'm not coming up now. The idea of stashing my iPad under the mattress so my parents don't see my porn collection just doesn't seem too appealing. I do however like the idea of interacting with my Playboy magazine in more than the usual sense.

In this month's issue of Popular Science...

Anybody here ever read 'The Genesis Machine' by Jame P. Hogan? Why are science-fiction writers always so far ahead of science?

Then they re-evaluate the theory and change it to match the facts they do know. They start testing again to see if the revised theory holds up. That's how science works. Unlike religion which... well... uh... I'll let this picture do the talking.

Never heard of global warming? Apparently, the Earth was cooler back then.

As an extra extra extra bonus, you've made a faraday cage. So if there's an electrical storm outside the cubicle the occupant should be safe?

I call bull pucky! As many here have mentioned... we all travel forward though time, and if I choose to travel back in time... I just close my eyes and remember...

Heck... I live in SD and I couldn't go.

I like to go sit in an air-conditioned bar when it gets too hot outside. Usually, when it's time to leave I'm too drunk to notice the heat. BTW: Should I even mention that today's high in San Diego was only 75°?

What about DOS?

Yeah... and if those damn Brits have their way, we'll never see turtle/human hybrids. No real life teenage mutant ninja turtles.

I just drove by the Borders in Mission Valley. So sad to see the 'store closing' sign. At least we're getting a new main library here in San Diego. They should have a section where you can go and browse all the newest books and DVDs and whatnot. Maybe they could duplicate the Borders experience?

Waaay to much testosterone! Poor Kat.

Man! I hope they never put micro-controllers in, say... toilets. Imagine the damage hackers could do there.

Also, is 83F hot? Around here the LOW has been about 80F +-3 for about 4 weeks.

Some friends and I are going to meet up and head down to the Gaslamp on Saturday. Probably just grab a seat on one of the patios, drink beers and watch all the craziness. They closed down the street this year. Smart move. Hope we get down there in time to watch the zombie walk.