Snake Charmer

I don't see what's wrong with taking a Lamborghini to a Best Buy. Heck, a couple years ago my tourbillon watch quit working so I gave it to a guy standing on the street corner with a cardboard sign that read 'will fix your timepiece for food'. Sure wish he would hurry and finish with it though. Maybe he's taking so

Whoever was driving it probably sneezed at an inopportune moment.

I've always wondered if all those comets flying around in the solar system where created from space aliens flushing their toilets.

Awesome! Now I can fit my whole porn collection on a couple disks. I mean, my whole collection of 'Little House on the Prairie'.

So glad I live in Sand Diego. Perfect beach day.

Damn it Jim! I'm a doctor, not a carpenter!

You guys gonna be in San Diego this week? I'm ready with wetsuit and water balloon bazooka.

Ditto. I miss being able to actually decide at the last minute whether to go to the Con or not.

The cool thing about improved google image search...

Ever see the movie Idiocracy?

See! It a conspiracy!

I'm not saying it's different, others are. I've spent a good amount of time trying to sort through the crap and some of it makes sense. I for sure don't trust NASA or the world leaders to tell us the truth. Their job is to keep the people from panicking.

Now playing

Could it be that Comet Elenin is tugging on the Earth's atmosphere in much the same way that the moon pulls on the oceans? If that's the case, what's gonna happen when this thing gets really close to Earth? A lot of conspiracy theories going around but if there is a large earthquake in September, I'm heading for the

And for watching Doctor Who while sitting on the train.

I plan on cutting Netflix back to 1 at a time DVD only so I can keep ripping TV shows to my iDevices. I don't have a data plan so streaming to them isn't an option. I've been getting new release movies at Redbox for some time now.

Nope. Didn't recognize my Touch. Looks like the only option to sync the iPhone, iTouch and iPad is through wireless.

I noticed the sync to iPod option. Has anyone tried it yet? I have an old Touch. Maybe I'll give it a shot.

Personally, I'm looking forward to soylent green brand gelatin. Especially the Bill Cosby flavored jello.