Irrelevant to you is not the same thing as irrelevant to the culture at large.
Irrelevant to you is not the same thing as irrelevant to the culture at large.
I’m sorry, but you can’t pay a millenial anything decent, because they’ll just spend it on artisinal mayonnaise, vinyl copies of 90s albums, rainbow flag bandannas, and marihuana cigarettes.
You do realize the man has helped define every single movie iteration and most of the comic book ones since the publishing of The Dark Knight returns, right? You realize in the past few months a new Batman comic written by Miller was published, right? You realize the article is about a Batman movie based on a comic…
omg right?! she pretty much was nude in the classroom and asking for them to take her photo and pass it around! like totally all on her. what was she thinking? she definitely wanted that to happen. she was asking for it. how is a boy NOT gonna do that when the offer is there?!?!?! /s
why did she even have a phone in the first place...WHAT WAS SHE THINKING???
Shutup, Tom.
Boys will be boys!
So what happens to the 16 year old who was distributing pornography?
What frustrates me is that most of the time, that type of tea-leave-reading seems heavily influenced by whatever narrative the writer has already chosen to buy into. And since so many of the writers and commenters on this site already believe that the MCU is better than the Snyderverse, they use any news like this to…
Is nobody going to mentioned the twinkie?
The amount of whiny man-babies has increased about 100 fold since the Gizmodo merger. Please note that I’m not saying if you disliked this trailer you’re automatically a whiny man-baby. But the amount of wah-wahing after one 60 second trailer is un-fucking-believable.
Jesus H. Cristol! Harumph complain harumph complain! I hate it! It looks dumb! I’m disappointed!
I mean, it’s amazing how people project whatever they want.
I know, right? It’s hardly a classic like Age of Ultron or Civil War! :)
And it shows your confidence in the movie, helps build hype and attention, while costing you nothing to cancel if things go south.
Why wouldn’t they? Otherwise, they might wait too long and the sequel would come out a few months later than it originally would have, and all the momentum would be gone!
My point is more about the disconnect between the headline and the actual article that then refutes said snark pointing out that these are business decisions and planned well in advance, and there’s genuine buzz about the flick.
You are really missing the real meat of that report. If you are wondering how David Ayer will apply LA gangland culture to a fantasy story, Bright will be about an “orc cop”. ORC COP. The movie sounds like it’s basically Shadowrun. I am ever so giddy already.
He probably didn’t help his cause by saying he needed a place to whip women into shape.
This may be the worst Kinja ever.