Sir Not Appearing in This Film

“Always double down on your reporting” - A.J. Daulerio

Hey, you replied to me. I didn’t look to justify my hate to anyone. That was you. Kindly find the exit marked “fuck-os” and walk through.

Too bad we’ll never see anything like this anymore. The trifecta of Perlmutter, Quesada, and Disney have put the kibosh on any crossovers, really.

But not Jeph Loeb disappointing, right?

I loved Squirrel Girl up through the Slott years. The GLI/Deadpool stuff is gold IMO. This new series goes a bit too far into camp for my tastes. It’s like Way’s Deadpool. I want to enjoy it, but there’s something “off” that hinders my enjoyment.

He also just said in an interview that they have the basic skeleton and that every filmmaker is being given a lot of leeway so that their films are their own and they don’t feel formulaic. So the tone may be the same, but the movies will at least look different.

Part of it yes. The other part was having to bring over one of either Texas Tech/Baylor/Texas A&M. Pac-12 schools balked over Tech because of academics, Baylor because of religious affiliation, and A&M backed out and went to the SEC.

Mack Brown

God, this is so Aggie. It’s almost too believable to be true.

Which is why WB halted production when they brought in Affleck and Terrio. Snyder’s strength is in his visuals, Goyer’s strength (yes he has one) is in his ideas—see The Nolan movies. So bringing in a writer like Terrio and a filmmaker like Affleck masks all the perceived weaknesses that the film had at the beginning.

Shocking that io9 wasn’t allowed into the press screening last week isn’t it?

So what do you think io9's spin will be when BvS gets really good reviews? I’m saying they mostly ignore it and move on to Civil War hype.

it is a bit a stretch to say Rob’s criticism is coming before he’s “even seen” the film.

So you liked all of his movies, but he sucks.

Filming on Justice League starts in two weeks. Early reactions to BvS have been numerous and extremely positive. Predictions for the movie’s opening are huge.

Yes, Yes he absolutely does.

Not to mention Grant is an okay actor, but not big-screen material.

No, as a superhero fan, you only want films catered to you.

“The Fappening” comes to mind.

Earlier this week. Hitfix, LatinoReview, Birth.Movies.Death, and io9 (among other sites) were told it was full. They went off and were tweeting at each other all night over it.