Sir Not Appearing in This Film

White people’s opinions aren’t invalid. But white people shouldn’t hold themselves up as experts on the subject.

No, Bernie shouldn’t drop out yet. He should keep pushing his message so that Clinton keeps to the left. Only when he’s mathematically eliminated, should he throw in the towel. Then, he really needs to push everyone of his supporters to become Clinton supporters.

And Hillary Clinton? Well, she’s not a threat, people kept saying, over and over, because she’s about to be arrested at any moment.

Here comes the college freshmen to regale us with what they learned in Phi 101.

And then refused to back out when she could.

Tough titties said the kitty. You make yourself part of the story, you become part of the story.

Lol. Yeah, how dare women talk?

The super-diverse writers here at Gawker know exactly what’s best for us po’ collud foke.

Jordan Sargent still “writes” eats food for Gawker.

As a Mexican-American, I’m prepping myself for BernieBros telling us all how we should vote. Gimee some of that sweet, sweet White Man’s Burden.

That was five years ago. A lot has changed since then.

Us non-Aspys are okay with it.

Taking away annotations and replacing them with “witty” captions doesn’t seem like a fair trade-off.

Literally the third line of the article.

It was a requirement we had to take as Freshmen.

Uh, does this count?

Southern Baptist values

Baylor PD does basically nothing but hide bad shit from the public. Especially anything the administrators’ kids get up to.

Always, Always root against the Cowboys.

I guess the “good” thing about this story is it’s not being treated as a football program cover-up but rather a systemic failure of a university. As an alumni, I’ve no delusions of Baylor’s reluctance to acknowledge that sex actually occurs before marriage and sometimes isn’t consensual. I am more concerned at how