Sir Not Appearing in This Film

Fun story: During the summer of my junior year at Baylor, my friends and I went out to a rock quarry to goof around and take photos. WE were only there for a bit before we got bored and took off. Had we kept going, we would have stumbled on to the body of Patrick Dennehy.

“Hey cool thread!” should be a band name.

The Unicorns

So we’ll see Uwe Boll’s IS Defense in the next few months?

This is parody, right?

I’m not getting the joke here.

Did I say that? What does that have to do with what I actually said? Also, how does my anecdotal experience work as evidence for the greater population of pirates, especially when I myself am not one of them?

Sounds like a bunch of horsehockey to me.

All you’re proving here is your own malicious ignorance.

We’re all offended by that remark.

The “mostly via social media” is the key phrase for me. It’s so easy to tweet out your Outrage! and then give yourself a pat on the back. The only way to make a lasting change is with your wallet. Support titles with diverse creative teams. Support minority indie-creators so they get the attention they need to make

Well if a white guy says it, then it must be true.

The problem people have, as I understand it, is that Marvel has a reeeeeally bad history of not hiring minority creators and mis-using minority characters. Yet, they’ll jump at any chance to make money off Black culture. Plus Axel Alonso was really dickish (as usual) when asked to address this controversy.

Have it. Love it.

Looks like some troll is desperate for attention.

Craig James killed five hookers while at SMU.


“Who hasn’t done crazy things while in college?” - Craig James

I had no problems.