Sir Not Appearing in This Film

Shaggy is a vegetarian.

Cartoon Network cancelled it.

Welcome, visitor from 2013.

and yet - they still on lost

You’re on a roll today.

Great job! Man, as different and as vast (and flawed) as these games are, I’ve loved all of them, even BoS. I appreciate the East Coast and West Coast games having a different feel. I’d like to see the Southeast developed, as well as Texas. I was bummed when I found out that my hometown was supposed to be in the

Also: Furry deathclaws

“Oh it can’t be that bad.”

This has to be a parody, right?

Man, I love this Patriots-fan parody account.

Literally the worst.


As soon as they edit out all the racial slurs.

You’d think this was Stormfront and not Jalopnik.

Yep. Steelers fan. My only consolation has been thinking “at least we won’t see Carolina destroy our secondary.”

That hurts.

Too soon?

It’s okay, sweetie. You don’t have to have any facts or truth in what you say. Just let it out.