Sir Not Appearing in This Film

“If you read one article with a biased viewpoint, you are in the minority.”

What’s sad is your overcompensating, macho posturing. We all know what you’re really like. “Oh boo hoo, people like a video game I don’t.” *Tantrum*

I own every single Fallout game, even Tactics and Brotherhood of Steel. I bought the Collectors edition of 3 and 4. I bought the Loot Crate hoodie and Think Geek ornaments.

$180 million in tax breaks is grabbing government dollars.

You’re not in the minority. You’re just not as loud as people who dislike Fallout 4.

Yup. Broken all to Hell.

Really? F:NV is the only game in that series that I never finished. It was so buggy and broke to hell, that’s all I remember people talking about. On my PS3, it constantly crashed and my companions would permanently disappear without reason. I’d just leave them in the hotel, come back and another would be gone.

Are you seeing the irony here?

“Weiner with a politician attached” was sitting right there! The joke writes itself!

“In this instance, is context necessary?”

Middle-Management Simulator 2277

*Stops ’batin*

“The 12th man is a community...”

Should have more stars.

Freedom. Murrica.

+1 martyr complex

Poor, poor Salsa Nacho.

World-class education*