Sir Not Appearing in This Film

Welcome to io9. There’s a reason this site’s been buried deeper than Jimmy Hoffa.

You get one “fuck” for a PG-13 film. Anything over is an immediate R.

Hi, Welcome to Sony Pictures. Here’s your pile of cocaine. Get to work.

Toddlers aren’t going to understand this shit, no matter how hard you try.

Damn. White folks sure do hate movies clearly not marketed toward them.

Calm your tits, people. Avengers was Rated-R at one point. The MPAA is the worst, most inconsistent board you’ll find. An R-rating doesn’t really mean anything.

Lol. Yeah, how dare women talk?

So people complained that there were too many characters and now they’re complaining that one has been cut out?

The Flash that averages about a murder per episode?

At least the ~3.5 million people that watch The Flash on CW.

Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman = Trinity = 3

Ezra Miller did say that his Flash had a post-apocalyptic look.

Another Snyder hater that can’t be bothered to use proper grammar.

I thought planning ahead shows that you’re desperate and scared and yada yada yada.

But, but there was a chance to throw some snark at a WB/DC project. Can’t pass that headline up.

Batman’s a scientist.

Because this is the ET article’s headline:

LOL. We all knew you were an idiot based on your post on any DC post. Glad to know you’re a close-minded asshole as well.

The super-diverse writers here at Gawker know exactly what’s best for us po’ collud foke.

He has to justify his insecurities somehow. Pretending he’s not the one butthurt is all he has in this world.