Projecting 101.
Projecting 101.
David Ayer
There’s a difference between “development” and “shooting begins”.
Have you read the script? You can find it online. It’s a fucking mess and would have destroyed the DCCU in one fell swoop.
Third movie actually broke even as well. Thanks Mexico, UK, and France.
Aha! Paul Williams is really Isaac Perlmutter!
Short answer no. Long answer noooooooooooooo.
Nope. Gen X.
Jordan Sargent still “writes” eats food for Gawker.
As a Mexican-American, I’m prepping myself for BernieBros telling us all how we should vote. Gimee some of that sweet, sweet White Man’s Burden.
A quick Google search is your friend. K?
You don’t expect a comic book blogger to have actual knowledge of comic books, do you?
LOL. Right to personal attacks.
Thor Domestic Total Gross: $181,030,624
I just don’t have faith in Snyder or in DC. Let’s be Warner Bros. Since unlike Marvel, it’s mostly studio execs rather than comic guys doing this.
That has never shown in any of your posts.
That was five years ago. A lot has changed since then.
Us non-Aspys are okay with it.
Other sites have already posted that their sources have reported the opposite. Put your dick away.