
The AV Club has the dumbest, lamest comments of any site with an average user age beyond 18. And I use Reddit.

I will ride for Nickelback.

I would never laugh at such an obviously awesome combination.

His father (Idris Elba's character) was able to control a Jaeger by himself, so hey maybe.

It really is fucking nuts. And most of the people commenting here are making lame-ass referential jokes (Kimmy Schmidt, really?) because his inability to get arrested and stay out of the public eye has almost made it "cute" to make jokes about the abominable things he does.

I think that's supposed to be Tulip's character flaw. She's this badass, tough-as-nails, woman…who is incredibly immature. Hiding things from the love of her life, treating Cassidy like crap for essentially no reason, speaking condescendingly to nearly everyone. That's her schtick.

I hadn't heard of this before and googled around. It was pretty disheartening to say the least, although it doesn't say anything about him giving anyone a black eye "in the middle of the street." One tabloid reported that Mia Goth had a black eye a day after the argument though, which is kind of fucked up, tabloids

You could probably drink most people under the table since you're nearly 6'9 apparently, but you still wouldn't be as interesting as Shia.

I like Shia LaBeuof and I still like him. He amuses me! He takes on weird projects and is a pretty dang good actor. Also he gets into goofy situations.

I like him. I think he's handsome and funny, if sometimes pretentious. I hope this ends up being good.

I feel like that's not really the case based on the festival reviews I read and the end critical result for many movies I pay attention to. Usually the festival appreciation stays around.

The ending has a similarity as our female protagonist is awaiting a conclusion to events in both works, but I sincerely doubt that is some explicit W.A.S.T.E reference. That's dumb.

I did realize how strange that was until you mentioned it and now I can't get it out of my head.

Hey I made one of those comments but I was serious!

Dude, you're a fool. Don't let other people ruin shit for you. I learned that with Rick & Morty and boy was it tough.

This was hilarious. This is the AV Club I love!

10 fucking years

Your siblings sound like whiners. All of those movies have somewhat redeeming qualities.

I liked the ending up until

Or you know, it's not. It's just a movie with some Cloverfield-connected parties. Oh wait, this is AV Club and newswires are usually stupid speculation (Nazi zombies? are we 12?) and oh god I am playing the part of snarky bitch in the comment section.