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Hey if anybody needed dental work, it was Jim Jeffries. Good for him.

Agreed. I really enjoyed Legit, but I have basically hated everything he has attempted afterwards (included talk show appearances). I understand why he was compared to Bill Burr earlier in the comments; both are constantly upset and 'preachy'. But at least Bill Burr still has an element of silliness that makes him an

i used to like Jim Jefferies. I liked Legit. I enjoyed the two stand up specials I saw.

I don't know what it is, but I somehow did not mind them really at all last season. This time around, they have been immensely grating in every scene. Frickin diaper drives me nuts.

It's okay in the context of the album but I would never put it on by itself. Point taken.

I really like Dan Harmon but jeez the guy would suck his own dick if his stomach weren't in the way. Fat people are supposed to be jolly!

"That's the genius police."

I felt that way up until the familiar drumbeat came down, then it all fell into place for me.

I've felt this season of Fargo has been lacking but jesus christ what a humdinger of an episode. This is absolutely the most soul-crushing of all seasons. I cried with Sy.

what the fuck are you guys talking about

I don't like this song.

Adam Wingard, I used to think you were somebody to watch with two amazing movies in a row.

the new bon iver record is actually pretty abrasive in a lot of parts

"There’s never been an element of the Gems’ backstory or wider world that
felt like it was written on the fly, or shoehorned in to retcon an
accidental discrepancy."

It was great. I feel like the reviewer missed the mark when discussing that scene but hey, it's no biggie.

After watching Twin Peaks, I prefer to brutal groundedness of something like the Leftovers. I hope Nora gets vaporized, but the coda in episode 1 this season seems to indicate I am very wrong.

I thought Margo Martindale and Ann Dowd were the same person for the entirety of season one.

I want to hug the shit out of him. He's a cutie. You're a twinkhunter so, yeah.

Are we the same person? I had similar expectations for this movie and felt sort of disappointed. I think I'll give it a rewatch before I start picking fights with people, but we'll see.