
I don't understand how people like this episode so much. I hate listening to his mother's horrible HORRIBLE acting. The hot south Asian guy was nearly as bad. Dumbbbbbb.

that's pretty bad

That's all speculation. Andy Dick doesn't remember that happening and feels like Lovitz unfairly blamed him for Hartman's death, hence the extremely fucked-up Hartman Hex joke. Most people don't fucking kill their husband when they are high on cocaine either.

How? Andy Dick was a drug addict. Was Hartman's wife not able to get it anywhere else? Do you really think he planned on her killing him?

That's a shame. I thought DIFFICULT PEOPLE looked lame too and then eventually gave it a whirl three season later. It's one of my favorite now.

I'm afraid to try it because I think it looks laaaaaame. I'm fans of all those shows, though (with Trial & Error being my least favorite).

It's fine. I probably wouldn't watch it by-the-week (like The Good Place) but it's fun if you're sick and need a distraction to binge.

Animals reminds me of this A LOT. Part of why I love it so much.

I watch it. It's fucking great.

You're So Great by Blur.

I just wanted to congratulate you on your great name. Trusting the process.

Big Daddy sucks and I always hated it!

The roles should be reversed.

I like my horror movies bleak. I'm still fun!

I swear I'm not trying to be cute when I say "Supernatural is still on?!"

That is a waaaaaay better ending! I really enjoyed Get Out, but thought the ending wrapped things up too neatly. Horror movies should make me hate myself and everything around me.

I don't think they are cis or straight. But like, everything's a confusing gradient. They write about queer experiences. I like their music, but I always thought they seemed kinda gross and irritating. But that's my own thing with most of the queers I meet.

That's a heckuva long movie, but I'm glad it worked out.

Or you can just talk about your respective lives, jobs, funny stories. And if you don't connect, a movie conversation wasn't going to save you anyway, I'd wager. Saves time.

Not to me. Who the fuck goes to a movie on a first date, anyway?