
I’m sorry you don’t like it. A lot of us think it’s just great. Not every episode is amazing by my metric, but the overall ride has been fantastic.

It’s not just that, the site itself is poorly organized and the content has continued to get dumbed down as anticipated. It’s sad.

This is a sponsored post?! I never would have guessed.

I think Chrysta Bell is a horrible distraction; her acting is awful. Different strokes!

I did not like this record, and I pretty much tolerate everything by Homme. Really surprised it’s getting good reviews.

I was hoping I was the only one looking for a scrollable set of mini-links I could click on like the last design and that someone in the comments would explain that I’m an idiot and I’m just not looking in the right place.

Same happened to me. Shit’s weird.

Hey guys! I really don’t like the change. I know it’s new but I pretty much loathe the site’s design now. Does anyone have any recommendations (other than the avocado) for sites like old AV Club? Love to see some of you there.

It makes the "half your age plus 7" rule, just barely but yeah I would not deal with a 19 year old at that age. Plenty of people do though so good for them.


It's kind of gross for an adult to enjoy it and look forward to it, yeah. But you do you.

I stopped watching after loving season 2 and hating season 3. Was last season a comeback? This trailer makes the new one look boring as heck.


I did not know that. That's awesome.

I liked the ghostwriter hero story too! And the sensory deprivation bed!

Never be ashamed of your cLOUDDEAD love! NEVER!

I cannot stand Nomi. I think the actress is just really good looking and otherwise a terrible performer. She was what mainly got me to abandon the show in season 1.

This story reminded me of this great video that never really blossomed into a "thing"

OR they were just poor.

Occasionally someone will say something that activates a thought I haven't touched in years and years and this strange feeling sweeps over me that's half nostalgia and half anxiety (for whatever reason). You just did it!