
I wouldn't be surprised if people make shit up anyway to sound interesting (I would too)! But this is a bit lame, yeah.

I thought the first half of a RocknRolla was tedious and couldn't get through it. Later on in the night I decided to throw on the rest before bed and somehow found myself completely engrossed by it. Now I ride for RocknRolla.

why the fuck is Guy Ritchie directing this?

huh? is this your alt-account away from coogin?

I sort of fell out of favor with this show sometime during season 2, but I've vowed to give it another run (see also: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend). The headline for this re-cap reminded me of the amazing, beautiful Ravi and I think I'm ready to dive back in. Ah-ooga, etc.

There's a decent amount of guitar-rock available that I'd hardly call it dead. YMMV, but a lot of people really dug Car Seat Headrest's last record. I really liked Cymbals Eat Guitars' Pretty Years. Radiohead also put out an excellent record last year (you could argue it's not "real" rock but it's kind of a silly

I don't know why, but even as a longtime lurker I found posts about your imaginary daughter to be weirdly sweet and hilarious.

Yeah because that's the only country the US has ever bombed in Asia.

Those are all hilarious!

He also insulted pretty much every Asian man ever by saying they "got the masculinity bombed out of them." "That's why there are so many ladyboys over there."

Apparently him and Linklater are friends. I will never understand that.

I did not know that. That's pretty cool then I guess.

They do to an extent. Sexual orientation and gender identification are different enough that I can understand why LGB people might be a little confused as to why the T is there.

I mean, they certainly didn't have to air it. I guess they would have to show him becoming voted out with some explanation, but I wouldn't hesitate to say that they probably zoned in on the controversy for ratings. No hate for Survivor, obviously it's survived (ha, ha) for a zillion seasons….but when was the last time

It was! I really liked the new CK special, especially after being a tiny bit let down by the last ones.

They both make jokes about transgender people in their new specials. Chapelle's are lame, uninspired, and pathetic. CK's come off as silly and (to me) funny. I wonder if it was that one(s).

Probably because taste is subjective and a lot of people just like jumping on the hate bandwagon for bands.

That's okay. I'll be dead.

What TV comedies do you like?

I enjoyed "Old Lady House", the Valentine's Day episode, and the finale. I did not like (nearly despised) all of the other episodes. And I've defended the show from naysayers who shit on last season and the one prior to it. But now, I have joined their ranks.