
I live in the city. Disruptive rants are part of my commute. I will happily take one about french fries in a bowling alley over anything I typically experience.

I still like Shia LaBeouf. I find things like this to be weirdly humorous and endearing.

I mean she regularly works with David O Russell, who is reportedly a bit abusive so who knows.

And it's just that one dancing scene!


It's really hard to identify what it is about Syd I don't like. When she seems wounded or excited she can really shine, but a lot of what the direction might give her just seems so affect-less.

sorry…i'm getting my kinesis…kinesees…kineseseses….

Where the fuck is Artemis this season? And the last couple seasons for that matter. I miss her all the time.

It looks like our pyrokinesis guy suddenly reappeared this last episode. Really weird of them to just ignore him for a handful of episodes and then go "oh yeah here's this guy again, he can THROW PEOPLE WITH HIS FUCKING MIND".

Aside from "Islands" and "Cities" I found the whole second series to be very underwhelming when compared to the first.

You might be right. I need to rewatch.

I do sort of agree with the wooden acting, but I think her scenes with David are great.

I just wanted to say…

I forgot that's what this 'article' was about. I'm not even being sarcastic.

Right?! And Andy Serkis is just being slowly swallowed up by those…those things. Gosh, I freakin' love it.

Heresy! That was the best part!

The bug fighting scene is one of my favorites of any movie ever!

Everything is depressing. I'm depressed.

I know there's one of us every season, but aside from "Old Lady House" I think this season has been pretty bad.

Good for you, Kill Squeight'd.