
I have never watched a Malick film but I think this one will take my virginity.

I hate to be THAT person in like half the threads I post in, but gosh he is cute.

Okay? So is Dan Stevens, but he brings nuance to ALL of his roles.

I think Aubrey Plaza is one-note and lame…except in Legion where she is fucking perfect.

Pew Die Pie looks like a malformed Dan Stevens.

And oh my god, the World's Most Beautiful Man, Cillian Murphy, as our villain for most of its runtime. I loved seeing him pop up throughout the sequels.

I didn't see the movie, because ew, gross…but I just googled that scene and it was kind of sweet!

It's a good role. He has a near-full beard and it gives the role some nuance. He's not trying to look like a passable woman, it's just a part of his personality. He's in both the web series and HBO show of the same name.

HBO Go. There web series might be elsewhere for free.

He is so freakin' cute too. The Guest is one of my favorite movies and Legion has one of the best pilots I've ever seen. Be still my heart.

Besides Christine and a few other characters, there was a lot about this show I found hard to like. I cannot stand his brother and his flat-toned friend, but I am glad to see they've been sidelined so far.

I really really tried to like The Bridge. But it was freakin boring. IT WAS SO BORING. I made it through the first season and never started the second.

I added NiOh to my queue hoping I'd find some lovely enemy designs. I found Dark Souls 3 to be very VERY underwhelming after playing Bloodborne. Hoping NiOh can scratch that itch.

which careers? i'm curious!

That's not really fair. It's a fucked up situation and it can be difficult to handle. He could be a huge piece of shit OR he could be a decent guy who is awkwardly handling a bad situation. The whole thing makes me feel uncomfortable.

"It's tough to judge situations like this as an outsider, so I try not to."

I apologize for being unnecessarily bitchy. I am so glad you gave me the lengthy explanation though. It's seriously interesting!

Thank you, my Canadian friend. I feel enlightened!

Golly, my dumb American brain sure couldn't process that!

I desperately loved Season 1, but found the cast shakeup that starts Season 2 to be too jarring. Maybe it's time for another try.