
It wasn't just any group of Demons! It was the SAN FRANCISCO Demons! Rawr!

You guys have both made me terrified of watching FWWM now. I've never seen it.


I mean that's what it is. The subject is a borderline idiotic valley girl who makes money as a Youtube celebrity. We are supposed to feel inspired by her because she's trans. The subject matter IS interesting, but the subject herself is grating.

I love this gap-toothed bastard. I have such a big crush on him. He's such a goofy and lovable performer.

I still like reading the comments from time to time, but I've kind of given up on the show. It's got nothing on Adventure Time. When AT meanders, it's usually FUN. With Steven Universe, it's cutesy in an almost half-assed way.

Can't stand her. Super vapid, extremely irritating.

I don't know what it is, but your description makes me totally believe you had that dream. It feels dreamy.

Haha, wow. I thought that film was created as a parody for the Simpsons. I should get fired for that blunder.

She's pretty gorgeous, but I wouldn't put her in "universally attractive". I wouldn't do that for Bradley Pittington either, so hey.

Yeah, I am weirdly angered by the fact that the Young Pope is getting a second season. It really dragged in the middle, though it did stick the landing. But another season? Groan.

I know people shit on Vanilla Sky because it's a remake (and for other valid reasons), but I really have a special place in my heart for that movie. It was the first time I saw Tom Cruise in something so freakin' WEIRD. It gave me a little bit of respect for the lunatic.

I've lurked in the shadows for years. I try to ignore pun threads, but this time I just had to make my biting, incisive, totally-off-the-wall, insane comment.

Pun threads are dumb anyway. What is this, reddit circa 2010?

Generic posts about a celebrity's attractiveness: not just for women anymore!

I am completely flabbergasted as to how anyone loves this stupid
one-note horse enough to give this an A. High Strangeness was so much

That is nuts. Your doctor sucks!

Well put. I think it's the best ending to the best show. Take that, Sopranos!

That was the best part!

Gosh that was such a good video.