
He was in American Honey last year. People liked his performance a lot. He's playing John McEnroe this year. Sounds fun. I mean shittalk Shia all you want for his art projects, but he certainly has a career left.

White youth has appropriated it and now that it's reaching older white people, they assume it's just annoying young people crap. Which it kinda is, at this point.

Although I agree with you on lack of weapon variety (barring Old hunters), I really enjoyed being able to "transform" my weapons. I also really liked the whole "regain your HP after losing it by making bold moves". It was different from Souls, but I found much more enjoyable. To each their own.

I don't know about you guys, but I freakin' LOVED that song!

Bloodborne doesn't. It rewards you for being bloodthirsty and violent. I love it.

I must have fought Orphan of Kos at least twenty times before winning. I cheere and nearly cried! It was so. much. fun.

I hear you, but Bloodborne's atmosphere might be enough to make it worth it for you. Gosh I love that game. Best of the Soulsborne series.

DS3 is my least favorite of the series. I had no desire to replay it. Say what you want about DS2, but the expansions were awesome, the PVP was more balanced, and they actually changed enough in new game+ to make it worth playing.

What were some of your favorite movies released last year?

He is weirdly adorable. I wish I could find a clip of the girls from Idiotsitter doing impressions of him. Lovely!

gosh I hope so

what? no.

I agree. Could have been waaaaay weirder. And CGI Colossus was super distracting.

Jesus fucking christ. Well, congratulations KC Green!

I am assuming this entire series will be leading up to it. Hang dong. Full Hardy.

I think your mother is on to something. Most of the characters they play (with perhaps the exception of themselves) are really unlikable jerks. This is in contrast to something like Key & Peele which kind of runs the gamut in personalities. And I think Portland, though I'm sure full of some really nice people, has

Sorta yeah. "Portlandians are mostly insufferable in a very specific way." But Portland itself is kind of a weird slice of life. I like the show.

I mean I don't know any famous people. Do you mean famous comedians? All the struggling comedians I've met were charming and cool.

Exactly! Like, really Trent? You don't think anyone is doing exciting things these days? I liked the last few NIN records but I wouldn't call them "daring".

He's also very smug. In reference to his Breaking Bad role…