
He looks like Craig Kilborn's ugly brother.

There is.

Re: Sugar Ray

And so freakin' handsome.

It's a gay love story in the sense that it depicts gay love, yeah? The two characters may not identify as gay, but their love could be called gay in the sense that they are both the same gender. Am I wrong? I'm not trying to be a cunt.

Rami Malek > Jay Baruchel (in my book)


Yeah I've seen a similar comment here a few times. "Wow Jay Baruchel really gets with some cute women." Women find him likable, crazy right?

Jay Baruchel has a certain charm to him. It wouldn't surprise me to see two people who looked like that together.

I noticed that too. I live in the city and found the setting immediately more recognizable in this episode. Glad to see I'm not alone.

The Knick is so good! Barack Obama's favorite TV show.

Totally agree on Mayor McCheese being the best. It was weird and it had heart. I more or less agree with your list.

I stand corrected. I did like that.

I mean how much of it can you say is Roiland? All the stuff he did before Rick & Morty was flat-out terrible. And he seems somehow more insufferable than Dan Harmon outside of the show (and that's a feat)! But I guess it's hard to say.

You're right. They're right. Oh god, what have I become?!

Doesn't really matter if you believe me. That's alright!

I'm a lady, but hey what does it matter? Merry Christmas to you too!

you're a pussy

I mean it has a good amount of lakes and rivers. Those technically have beaches?

You know the wormy thing is something that just happens. You grab them by the shirt and go, "no dude." I also sort of justify doing it myself when the people all around me aren't dancing and seemingly enjoying the show. But the front? Those people deserve and want to be there.