
I would buy that house for my Dad if I had the money, only because Churchill would turn over in his grave if an Indian family moved into it. That racist shit. I understand the (sometimes) importance of historical context, but in his case, hell no.

Trump assistant job description:

“You can’t be negotiating billion-dollar deals if you can’t handle, like, you know,” Trump said, without elaborating.”

Let me tell you, Mr. Trump, Jr., the good people who work in early childhood development are doing society an amazing service, if you think that it is all Peppa Pig and Bob the Builder la-la land you are sorely mistaken. There are daily fights, involving teeth, power is extracted by free use of bodily fluids, and

So if we are harassed or treated as second class citizens at work, the problem is that we are hypersensitive? We should either suck it up or retreat to “women’s work”?

“Like, you should go maybe teach kindergarten. I think it’s a respectable position.”

There’s also a big difference between wondering, on occasion, “What If” and imagining your life if you’d chosen a different path, and full on regret.

Yeah, that surprises no one . Even the right-wing must know this. These hobbling laws for mandated waiting periods and ultrasounds are not meant to help women confirm their decisions, they are barriers and challenges meant to make it more difficult and punitive. You impulse buy. You don’t impulse abortion.

Like all the other needless burdens imposed on women seeking abortion, wait times are punitive; they’re not actually based in supporting the free choice for motherhood.

I’ve known since age seven that I wanted to be a mother. I still don’t regret the abortion I had when I wasn’t ready for that.

I’ve been so disgusted by the infantalization of women these pro-choice bills represent. If they’re only shown a picture of their babies on ultrasound, or the sound of its heartbeat, they’re sure to change their weak and wavering minds! If we just make them wait a few days to think about it, they’re sure to recant

Can we please end this shit?

I’m at the point where I’m just praying to whatever the fuck is out there that there’s no violence on election day / that week.

In his mind, women exist to be attractive, and he believes that this is always forefront on their minds. Therefore he believes it to be the harshest of insults.

Notice that he loves to insult appearances? That’s his go-to, gut reaction. Which tells you a couple of things:

More proof that politics have nothing to do with doing what is best for the country.

That’s the thing. They aren’t even finding real excuses anymore. Like, I’m sure that they know that we know that they are bs’ing at this point. They just refuse to own it.

We crossed a threshold when Rush openly attacked Sandra Fluke. A young lady speaking about a friend’s insurance coverage became a “slut” because old white guys were going to end up “paying for her to have sex” with their tax dollars...

I took it as something like that.

Actually, “rape police” sounds like a good idea, because the real police can’t do shit half the time...