
If you read about when he was a federal prosecutor, he already had firmly established his scumbaggery. He ruined a lot of innocent people’s lives.

He rode the wave. Crime across the country was dropping markedly by 1990, particularly in NYC. Dinkins term (90-93) saw crime drop each successive year. When Giuliani came in he was simply taking over a trend. He’s been erroneously credited as a crime-stopper partly because he was a federal prosecutor and because

Rudy Giuliani is a sleezeball and I am so glad he’s finally getting called out on his bullcrap.

I lived in NY during his reign and it was not as good as people make it out. He militarized the police force and put thousands behind bars for less than a gram of weed, and outstanding parking tickets things like that

Rudy? We’re talking about a guy who ruined Times Square in the ‘90's and turned it into what it is today - a tourist trap of biblical proportions.

Stahp! Rotfl!

This comment brought tears of laughter. Well done!

this is why many of us complained about Slutwalk becoming a branded VIP event...

Nah, just your typical rich white dude.

She’ll work there, until she finds her conscience.

It’s like Sophie’s Choice, except Sophie has to pick her favorite Nazi instead.

Here’s hoping this becomes be perfect metaphor for America in 2016. I’m so ready to get out of the grill of this fucking clown car.

I’m trying to think of a lower moment and I’m coming up blank. I am so enraged right now I really hope I don’t have an actual stroke.

I am so fucking embarrassed. This election has turned into a fucking sideshow. We are voting to elect the leader of the free world. What in the fuck happened to us? This is the lowest point in American political history.

And the man who killed his child whose mother gets more prison time for child endangerment.

I also have a hard time accepting their remarks when they’ve done what they can to deny women reproductive rights.

“Advocacy groups and some lawmakers have been pushing for the Child Victims Act, which would extend the deadline, and the church has actively lobbied against it.”

I really find the statements of the sex worker groups to be grotesque. Glad to hear you were able to find a safer environment to find clients. Oh wait, what’s that? It’s a company that also happens to sex traffic children? Fuck off with that. This isn’t a tradeoff and if it were, you lose in this one.

Yes there are numbers to call. You are totally discounting the hurdles that some people face in life and are giving a lot of credit to a system that has many flaws. The bussing system had very serious problems in Katrina. ( Were you aware that if you are

Perhaps for some people that is the case but are you offering a ride to someone without a car to leave? Are you giving someone poor money for gas and hotels to leave? Are you offering jobs to those that have been threatened to be fired if they leave (often these are people in service industry jobs like bartenders,