
Of course it is... legal CYA + posturing. But they really should expect to be called out on it sooner or later.

The main reason businesses have those anti-harassment policies is to absolve themselves of responsibility. Having a policy in place allows a business to claim that harassment is caused by individuals who break the rules instead of a permissive corporate culture.

My only consolation with these sorts of stories are that the fact that they’re appearing more frequently means society as a whole is taking them more seriously.

I worked for McDonalds 30 years ago — and sexual harassment was a problem then — sadly, it doesn’t seem to have changed.

I think it’s pretty f-ing convenient for them to micro-manage every other aspect of franchise operations, but to be non-responsive to complaints about sexual harassment... You can bet your backside

I notice that every time an institution gets a strong pattern of multiple sexual-harassment lawsuits against it— fraternities, the US Military, McDonald’s, Fox News, private schools, the Catholic Church, etc.— it always seems that the institution has a Zero Tolerance Policy towards sexual harassment, and that such

Working a job in fast food is hard enough without having to worry about your boss grabbing your ass. Ronald McDonald you need to get your fucking house in order.

He strangled a woman, but SHE’s the crazy one.

I mean how fucking bored do you have to be to turn into this kind of asshole

It’s not offensive, but I’d be pretty pissed if someone decided to make money off of my image without permission and without giving me a cut.

HaHaYouFool laid out the reasons why it isn’t about defamation. (Defamation was never mentioned as far as I know, in any case.)

And yet, these are the same people that when faced with the injustices against blacks, love to tell them “just do what you’re told and no harm will come to you.”

The Bundy’s are the definition of white privilege.

Most credit card companies allow you to create temporary numbers which allow you to set a dollar limit for online purchases. I use ShopSafe (Visa) for setting up trial accounts where they require me to enter a credit card for when the trial period ends so they can start charging if I don’t cancel. I usually set a

I find it alarming that so many companies (tech, apparel, etc) are trying to move to a subscription model. Sure, they want sticky, predictable, recurring revenues, but subscriptions are only useful for consumers in specific circumstances. Or, completely unavoidable in others (see: mission critical software, or

No, no it wasn’t.

Eminent domain my friend, eminent...BIG difference.


“I’m just trying to keep our family from going to prison.” Well, in that case, actually following federal law and not going and breaking more federal laws in order to support other people who are knowingly and willfully breaking federal law might have been a better idea.

Oh shut up cracker.

“Bundy described federal government officials as modern day conquerers who understand the power they can have over populations by claiming resources, which is exactly what he believes is being done to ranching families across the country.”