
“Can we just stop with all the clown stuff? Just ignore it, don’t write about it, stop giving these idiots attention.” But how else will the public know who the real enemy is? It’s a PSA, in a way. If you look at it from that perspective, it’s all good.

“Those things are horrible things to be accused of, but more importantly, that has prompted a lot of people to apparently go back and re-examine their relationships with him and conclude, whether accurately or not, that they were the victim of a crime.”

As a nobody on the internet, I have to make my convictions clear: I’m profoundly offended by the possibility of tic tac toe, a game of great skill, being in any way associated with Tic Tacs.

“It’s not clear what Weiner, a former congressman for the fucking state of New York, would be charged with” - Maybe they’ll charge him with filing a “false” report? You know, the first one they ignored, and deleted any trace of, but that was back when he was “crazy” - or “working.” Now, though, maybe they found a way

“I thought the effectiveness of a threat relied on people wanting to avoid that particular outcome.” That’s exactly right. If a person(s) you no longer want in your life threatens to leave you, then it’s not a threat. If, to give another example, your quality of life, or your very life, is at risk because you are

“True, everyone is entitled to their opinion, just as everyone is entitled to their opinion about other people’s opinions.” Doesn’t “everyone’s entitled to their opinion” encompass another person giving their opinion on another person’s opinion? Just so you know, I’m not being snarky. I’m actually smiling.

“Let me guess, for no reason aside from your irrational, overwrought, arbitrary dislike of Jennifer Lawrence.” Even if it is, they’re entitled to feel that way. I dislike her, but it isn’t irrational or arbitrary.

Really looks like there’s a threat the entertainment industry is facing, doesn’t it?

Is anyone else having problems with getting notifications?

“No matter whether this is against FB’s rules, it is against the law for the celebs to post the links without disclosing that they are getting paid.” It is against the law. It’s simply another law that isn’t being enforced. But it’s not the only criminal activity on social media. What’s more than a little

So you must have heard something about it. Or maybe I’ve misunderstood your comment.

Since so many of these people seem to love nothing more than (manufactured) scandals, you’d think they would be thrilled to allow certain things to come to light. It’s already out there on the internet, but why not let it rip? Boy, they’d really have a scandal of epic proportions on their hands! And more online

Maybe so, but I’m writing from personal experience. I’ve known a few rich people, but not one has used their money to harass me endlessly and protect themselves while they do it, save the Hollywood-type rich ones.

“You don’t double down, you leave the room (if you can).” That’s both what I would do and the advice I would give, too.

Nicely done.

Was his one of the names being thrown around after that Radar blind item? Whatever happened to that, anyway? I realize it might’ve gotten lost in the endless 24/7 news cycle, but that wasn’t just any old blind item. Either way, it’s really gross of Radar to have that kind of information and not do anything about it,

“Translation: I still have enough money to hire enough lawyers to make your life miserable.”

“Celebretards—is there anything they won’t pimp?” No. Once you realize they’re their own pimps, you can see why they have no problem with it.

I don’t know. I’ll have to wait to read if I am or not. My colorist did cut off what he called the orange ends of my hair a few weeks ago, but I guess it might be there inside me, whether I want it or not.

“but this situation has become so dire that I can no longer find amusement in such phrases as “Sketchy Cheetos sculpture.” :(“ Look at one of their sister sites, where Eve is doing her part in keeping track of how long it’s been since Sketchy Cheetos sculpture threatened to sue! Everyone’s gotta work, but it’s