
Fixed it:

I wonder if Donald will give me a “small loan” of a few million dollars so I can afford to brilliantly dodge taxes, too.

Women can be super creepy and gross, too. It’s about adults always being in pairs, kids always having their buddy. 9Predators love these little trips and they love the power over kids. Whether it’s sexual or not, abuse is constantly happening to some degree. We’ve got to re-educate ourselves in general about

As someone who works with kids, and is a man, I hate being alone with the kids I work with. Am I a predator? No. But I don’t like even the slightest chance that someone will misconstrue my work.

also, kid-on-kid abuse is a tough reality. This is why I can’t leave my kid at the gym “daycare”...because there’s no separation of ages, and lots of little hiding spots, and not much supervision. Bigger (abused) kids abuse littler kids.

One of the classic elements of abuse however is financial. You can outwardly appear to have money, but he is controlling all of it.

This wouldn’t be happening if it was men who got pregnant. I’m not being misandrist, just being fucking honest.

Mr. Pierce, the next time you are asked anything at all about sexual abuse, try this:

You go, Roooo! This is true for people of color as well as women. When I worked in health care, we were always taught to look for signs of heart disease or hidden heart attacks in Black and Hispanic people at much younger ages than we might in a European person. When someone asked him why, my teacher, Robson, just

Not to mention that, much like when we talk about rape and sexual assault, focusing on the behaviors and backgrounds of DV victims tends to drag the discussion entirely away from talking about the perpetrators and how we need to educate them.

I don’t know how the clumsy wife explanation for injuries ever got believed except by idiots.

I don’t know how the clumsy wife explanation for injuries ever got believed except by idiots.

The Oregon Trail is always relevant

How Jeb could be the disappointing son in a family with GWB is not something I can comprehend.

I struggle with this. I think it’s simply the case that a lot of women are shaped by the ethos of the larger culture, and that ethos is profoundly anti-woman. I also think it’s why women who are Republican or conservative-identified (a fairly significant majority of older, married white women) are so deeply resentful

I imagine it’s really easy if you’re stupid, evil, greedy or any combination of those.

Yeah. Hungry for pussy.

I just want to complain here about the fact my sister looks like Joan Collins in that picture and I do not.

Isn’t this dude rich as fuck? Can’t he just give money to their family and be done with it? Sorry but nope still not worth it. If he wants to display compassion he can do so with his own money. To raffle off a chance to punch him in honor of his friend’s memory is pretty par for the course with his tacky ass