

Nah. I’m really not.

Counterpoint. There a very strong correlation between people that are “Pro-Life” as you say, and people that are against things like SNAP, various forms of Welfare, and even typically are for the death penalty. Therefore, a majority of that group is actually “Pro-Birth”, since they have very little concern for the

Easier to flag trolls as hate speech and move on.

More to the point, if men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.

Guess what, a zygote doesn’t have any brain function either, and neither does a fetus for most of it’s development.

of course not. men get to cum all they want, only women’s sex lives and bodies are to be legally regulated.

That was great. I’m dying over here.

“Get your rosaries off my ovaries” is my favorite!

It’s called Choice Language. It’s great when reading comments like this dumbass’.

Prostitutes already have marriage equality, silly, it’s pretty much required for them to be married when they run for office.

I literally don’t know what you’re talking about. But then again, you haven’t said anything intelligent, so it’s whatever

The fuck are you talking about? Read the post again, nitwit

I am glad this was posted because on here many do think that Irish people are not doing anything against this. Majority of Irish people do not support this backwards law.

I got one of those Chrome add-ons a few months ago that changes every instance of the phrase “pro life” to “anti-choice.” This is what your post looked like to me:

Ireland - where abortion is illegal but gay marriage is legal.

May I just say that I LOVE the sign in the header? It is fabulous!

Any man who wants you to wear this crap is a man you should not be fucking.

Kinda seems like a torture device of sorts