
In a just society those two things go hand in hand. Just societies don’t execute unarmed people in the street, regardless of their crimes. They give them a trial and punish them according to the law.

Ah, there’s the racism. I knew you couldn’t hide your ignorance for long. You cowards always out yourselves in no time at all.

This is insane. Where are the politicians to step up and make a difference. This has to stop.

Uh, there’s someone posting racial slurs. That’s not disagreement—that’s repugnant assholery.

It’s the same thing I’ve heard PUA/MRA types say about d*ck pics and harassing women to try to get them to go out with them.

So you felt the need to follow it up with a stupider comment?

Tear gas to get people to disperse. Yes, that has always been an an effective strategy in mass protests. “Frank, buddy, this has failed historically 99.9999% percent historically. I want you to be here for the .00001% time it works!!!”

Fuck off. Too complex for you?

No, they’re aware of the need to honor the flag and all the freedoms it stands for in the face of terrorism, while deploying tactics you’d expect from one of the countries (rife with terrorism, and no freedoms) we needed to wave the flag at in the first place...because freedoms.

The militarisation of the police in this country and their panicked overreaction is stunning. They are treating the protestors like de facto criminals. The people have a right to assembly as enshrined in the Constitution. Are the police aware of this?

Leave, then.

No ex-whatever like an opportunist ex-whatever to make you remember why you were ever like, “Whatever.”

But can we get the goofy piece of shit to disappear into the woods?

These little punks can fuck right off with their imaginary nonsense.

No. Because that woman doesn’t get divorced.

We’re all doomed. Here’s a kitten

I feel like I need to apologize to my children every day for bringing them into this piece of shit world.

God we are so fucked.

Are you dying or did you get fired? Those are the only two reasons I can think of that would pry you away from Jez.

Yes, I realise all of that. You leave out quite a lot, though. He was the President, majority shareholder, CEO and Chairman of the Board from 19888 until 2005 of Continental. The company was worth $10 million in 1988. To suggest that a company can grow that much without any attributable actions to the president, CEO