
“And people have the nerve to wonder why women don’t report...” Exactly. Report it and watch the entire world pile on to discredit and silence you.

Yeah, I have that in common with him. I, too, blame everyone for all of my self-created problems, and I threaten to sue everyone all the time, too. And I might’ve sexually assaulted a few women throughout my life (maybe more!), while claiming to have great respect for women.

“Abortion survivor”? Is she fucking serious? What these people do with language, my goodness.

“Is this what being dead feels like? Did I die? What is even happening in this article?” I don’t think so, but only because I believe death is final, so that would be more like eternal peace. This is more like having your spirit slowly, painfully broken, day by day: a living death. But that’s just my hot take.

Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country! (Since the new Jackie movie is out soon, I thought I’d help market it, by choice. Seems apropos here.)

“I’ve always been conscious of taking care of myself. I get this one body this one time, so I want it to be cool for as long as it can be,” Smokey told People.” So say we all, Smokey. I sure am thankful that I can still post here, for as long as it’s cool, now that Twitter and disqus is down.

I can’t leave a comment on the post about the DDoS attack. Is anyone experiencing problems with disqus, too? Maybe it’s only my computer, then. I have access to other comments on my phone (all posted within the last two hours), but I can’t leave any comments. On my computer, nothing at all comes up. Same with Twitter.

On second thought, it really isn’t a blessing. But maybe because it now makes me think of Veronica Franco, who does *not* make me think of James Franco, but who does, very loosely, in a stream of consciousness kind of way, make me think of General Franco. So, that photo is actually kind of horrifying.

“I love that she keeps her personal life personal and I know nothing about her husband and kids.” That is pretty rare these days. Even rarer is when someone else’s same desire for privacy is respected, too.

So James Franco gave that photographer a Glasgow kiss? Maybe they’ll turn it into a movie directed by Ewan McGregor and Tilda Swinton can play James Franco. They can use me for their marketing, for free. Hey, I like to be of use!

I genuinely laughed. That photo is a blessing.

Great! So comforting.

Yeah, me, too. I notice a lot of little things like that that once escaped my attention.

“Hey, guys, welcome to Hades! This is where we live now! It’s so fun here!” Whatever happens, wherever this country ends up, and whatever happens to me, my conscience is clear. Cold comfort, but.

It doesn’t sound too different from countless reality shows and “content makers” courtesy of/sponsored by Viacom, ComCast, CBS, General Motors, Warner Bros., NewsCorp, etc.

“The Lochtes”

“but opening your med records to public scrutiny is insanity and to have it done against your will is unusually cruel harassment.” Yes, it is. And I’ve had to go through exactly this, and a great deal worse in terms of betrayal from doctors and the hospitals they work in. How a person could agree to do it, I would not

“Only healthcare workers are bound by HIPAA. If you give me your psych records, I can be a dick and splash them around if I choose to.” Exactly. If you didn’t give written consent to your healthcare workers that your medical records can be shared, and with whom they can be shared, then those healthcare workers broke

“HamNo has the “Gawker” philosophy correct, doxxing people wether it is a writer or an internet user is ok. If Jez is saying that the Univision policy is different, we should know.” No, it isn’t different. They just protect themselves from getting sued, but they care about a writer or internet user’s privacy about as

“She’ll work there, until she finds her conscience.” She’s not looking for it.