
“Oh well, I guess he called her bluff[.]” As a person who isn’t interested in poker, chess, Chinese checkers, or even checkers, it was still too obvious this was nothing more than a way to get money/attention. For both of them, because they both suck as people.

“Look, I am just not that desperate for man-ass in my day-to-day. A guy’s gotta have more than just sweet cheeks to offer, you know?” lol, Same here, but that was a far funnier what to phrase it.

“If victims keep suing, universities will eventually realise that it will cost them more money and goodwill to protect their athletes and reputations, than it will to treat the victims properly in the first place.” The absolute truth, and how fucking tragic it is.

Right? Sometimes I think it’s just a way to get their message out there, so long as they can hide being being hacked. But that’s crazy talk, I’m sure.

Don’t count on it. After what she went through, you’d think she’d be more sensitive to other women in similar positions. But then, she chose to get married, didn’t she? And she is part of the Hollywood set. Yeah, I wouldn’t hold my breath.

Because power closes ranks. It’s bi-partisan, too, and it will close ranks if one of their own is threatened in any way. That’s why you see them shuffled around from one network to another when there’s any scandal.

“Then would you be ok if that contingent of conservative voter all were killed in order to have progress and less conservative votes.” This has nothing to do with my comment, nothing. This is all your creation.

“This story may be apocryphal, but given what I know about Phyllis Schlafly and her wacky, woman-hating (and therefore self-hating) value system, I could believe it.” I’ve never heard this, either, but I also can believe it. That, in this context and in a great many ways, is kind of the worst thing that can be said

“should we actively wish for their deaths, too?” Who here is actively wishing for anyone’s death? I haven’t read even one comment where a person is actively wishing any such thing. People are expressing relief and benign glee, that’s about it, and it’s their right to do so.

Punch that book for me, please.

I prefer to imagine her in Limbo, forever wandering and never finding a home in either Heaven or Hell. I mean, she was never at home in life, so it’s fitting.

This perfection.

A quick search yielded this:

Exactly. And she paid for her schooling with testing firearms but was against the ERA because, among other insanities, she didn’t believe women she be in the military. Also plus,I’d be curious to know if she took a pay cut to make sure she never made more than her husband, and if she ever donated some of the money she

“Scalia believed in probably what a good chunk of this country believes and I would not celebrate their deaths either.” Not the same at all, because a good chunk of those very people don’t have the power to legislate their biases, or single-handedly stop progress for half of this country’s population, and make so many

“And, before you balk, here’s the reason why.” I’ll drink one under your multi-layered shade, this bitch’s brew. Nicely done.

“A paradox, was it not?” That’s mighty generous of you. To my mind, it was nothing more than venal hypocrisy and self-loathing that she turned out onto the greater world.

I thank you for your service. <3

“About his victim, maybe. Not directed at himself, though. He strikes me as the sort of person who would blame his rape victim for causing all of his problems.” That’s a safe bet. I’ve been at the receiving end of this kind of thing from more than couple of people like him.

If you butcher my sentence, sure. But it’s not what I wrote, though.